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Glastonbury - Environmentally Hypocritical?

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5 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

The left are perpetually angry because they see that in 2019 there are still huge inequalities in society and those inequalities seem to be increasing rather than diminishing. 


Not sure why the right are angry as they are living in a conservative monarchy where the acquisition of wealth has more importance than the good of the people as a whole.


Angelfire is an oddball as a working class ex lorry driver who seems to support those who have devalued him throughout his working life.

We live in a left wing capitalist society. The idea of that 100 years ago would have seemed mad, but its where we are.

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11 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

The left are perpetually angry because they see that in 2019 there are still huge inequalities in society and those inequalities seem to be increasing rather than diminishing. 


Not sure why the right are angry as they are living in a conservative monarchy where the acquisition of wealth has more importance than the good of the people as a whole.


Angelfire is an oddball as a working class ex lorry driver who seems to support those who have devalued him throughout his working life.

Which is kind of weird.  Inequalities have always been with us and always will be. The curious thing is that it's middle class far left voters who seem the angriest, while those who are suffering in this unequal society you condemn who are part of the angry far right.  Those who care anyway; many are too busy watching daytime tv and Love Island to care that much.

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16 minutes ago, bendix said:

 many are too busy watching daytime tv and Love Island to care that much.

While ever people are comfortable in their own terms and within their own lives, they'll forgive the top 1%. The British establishment understand this which is why we're well served with a rich and diverse entertainment industry catering for every level of taste, and with well stocked shops full of relatively cheap sweet and salty food.

Edited by Nightbird
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1 minute ago, bendix said:

while those who are suffering in this unequal society 

Some of those who are suffering. The vast majority would have nothing to do with the far-right.


Agree about the Jeremy Kyle/Love Island/daytime TV. If not deliberately designed to keep people dumb they certainly serve a purpose.


As Sheffield’s own Jarvis Cocker once said:


You'll never fail like common people
You'll never watch your life slide out of view
And then dance and drink and screw
Because there's nothing else to do”


To bring the thread back on topic, when Pulp stood in for the Roses in 1995, Cocker said that when the crowd sang the chorus of Common People he knew that he would never experience another moment like that in his life again.


Glastonbury Festival is a national treasure and those moaning about a bit of litter really do need to get a grip take a long hard look at themselves! 🙄


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13 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Some of those who are suffering. The vast majority would have nothing to do with the far-right.


Agree about the Jeremy Kyle/Love Island/daytime TV. If not deliberately designed to keep people dumb they certainly serve a purpose.


As Sheffield’s own Jarvis Cocker once said:


You'll never fail like common people
You'll never watch your life slide out of view
And then dance and drink and screw
Because there's nothing else to do”


To bring the thread back on topic, when Pulp stood in for the Roses in 1995, Cocker said that when the crowd sang the chorus of Common People he knew that he would never experience another moment like that in his life again.


Glastonbury Festival is a national treasure and those moaning about a bit of litter really do need to get a grip take a long hard look at themselves! 🙄


I dont get the Common People reference.  Isn't the song basically a working class guy chiding an upper middle class girl about pretending and glorifying in living a poor life for a while:


Smoke some fags and play some pool,
Pretend you never went to school.
But still you'll never get it right,
'Cause when you're laid in bed at night,
Watching roaches climb the wall,
If you called your Dad he could stop it all.



That seems to me to be pretty much what the modern Labour Party is now, an essentially university educated middle class movement angry at social injustices that don't affect them, despite them now and again 'smoking some fags and playing pool' because . . let's face it . . because they think that poor is cool.


The comments about Love Island etc and its purpose is valid though.   I assume you've read Herbert Marcuse who argued in One Dimensional Man that capitaadvanced industrial societies (be they capitalist or communist like China) protects itself by creating false needs throuogh things like consumerism, mass media, advertising etc.



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9 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

The left are perpetually angry because they see that in 2019 there are still huge inequalities in society and those inequalities seem to be increasing rather than diminishing. 


Not sure why the right are angry as they are living in a conservative monarchy where the acquisition of wealth has more importance than the good of the people as a whole.


Angelfire is an oddball as a working class ex lorry driver who seems to support those who have devalued him throughout his working life.

Isn't that pretty normal for most of the right hand side of the political spectrum.  It's not a middle class thing, at least not from what I see.  The middle class are educated enough to question the red tops and cynical enough not to be taken in by the propaganda, they have enough privilege as well to feel for others without it making them feel threatened themselves.

The less well educated though fall for the propaganda, they fall for the lies that try to set the working class against other similar people, they blame their woes on the middle class, on immigrants, on the under class, on the educated, on the uneducated, on foreigners, on the rich, on the poor, on everyone and anyone really, they fear change, they fear compassion and they don't like experts telling them things.

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