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Speed Limit On Sheffield Parkway Set To Be Cut?

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29 minutes ago, redbig said:

No but that's what you sound like, don't know if you realise? 


Who says I'm an expert? By that I take it you think you are ? The experts have set it at 50mph (the bit after handsworth as i clearly said in my post). 


Back at YOU, just because YOU say it's correct it doesn't make it so. My opinion is no more valid than yours. That's what I said about these car people, they get so uptight if someone questions their point of view, like the car is an extension of their ego. Weird, but each to their own. 

I dont say its correct - the Highways authority do.   They set the maximum legal speed limits which they have deemed safe to drive at by competent trained licenced drivers in normal road contitions on on that particular section of the parkway - it is set at 70mph all the way from J33 motorway exit to the Handsworth slip roads. 


We appear to be at crossed wires here.   I dont know why you keep bringing up the 50 section because that it not the issue.   The issue is people repeatedly making these ludicrous suggestions that people driving at 70mph in the 70mph zone are somehow "speeders" "driving too fast"  "dangerous"      That is simpy not the case. 


You appear to be advocating that it should be reduced without providing any reason or knowledge. 



7 minutes ago, Crissie said:

No, again you're wrong here Cyclone. It is - correctly imho - a subjective decision based upon prevailing conditions, you MUST decide for yourself, that's one of the attributes of a good driver. What you deem to be the right speed for you, may not be the same speed that I nor the examiner feel is safe given the same conditions. 


What the examiner is looking for
The examiner is assessing your ability to

  1. Approach junctions and hazards at the correct speed
  2. Use speed to maintain a safe gap between you and other vehicles
  3. Always drive at a speed sufficient to stop well within in the distance you can see to be clear.

Driving faults recorded
18 Use of speed:

  • Drives in excess of the speed limit.
  • Drives at a speed, which is too fast for the road, traffic or weather conditions.
  • Drives too fast on the approach to certain hazards.
  • Drives too fast on the approach to junctions.

You appear to be overlooking section 20:


On test you needed to show that you can drive at a realistic speed appropriate to the road and traffic conditions.

You needed to approach all hazards at a safe, controlled speed, without being over cautious or slowing or stopping other road users. You should always be ready to move away from junctions as soon as it is safe and correct to do so.

Driving too slowly can frustrate other drivers which creates danger for yourself and others.

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9 minutes ago, Crissie said:

No, again you're wrong here Cyclone. It is - correctly imho - a subjective decision based upon prevailing conditions, you MUST decide for yourself, that's one of the attributes of a good driver. What you deem to be the right speed for you, may not be the same speed that I nor the examiner feel is safe given the same conditions. 


What the examiner is looking for
The examiner is assessing your ability to

  1. Approach junctions and hazards at the correct speed
  2. Use speed to maintain a safe gap between you and other vehicles
  3. Always drive at a speed sufficient to stop well within in the distance you can see to be clear.

Driving faults recorded
18 Use of speed:

  • Drives in excess of the speed limit.
  • Drives at a speed, which is too fast for the road, traffic or weather conditions.
  • Drives too fast on the approach to certain hazards.
  • Drives too fast on the approach to junctions.



On 15/07/2019 at 21:28, ECCOnoob said:

Well, I would say it is important to the debate particuarly when responding to some troll who feels they are high and mighty because they choose to drive deliberately and unnecessarilly slow.


One driver test sheet coming up for those who still choose to pretend it is not an issue.   Google found it in less than 5 seconds. 



I will even be nice and highlight it so everyone is clear.


Section 20:

On test you needed to show that you can drive at a realistic speed appropriate to the road and traffic conditions.

You needed to approach all hazards at a safe, controlled speed, without being over cautious or slowing or stopping other road users. You should always be ready to move away from junctions as soon as it is safe and correct to do so.

Driving too slowly can frustrate other drivers which creates danger for yourself and others.

Just because you must have missed it. 

BTW I got one minor for over-cautious (too slow) driving on my PCV test not long ago...

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Haha thanks lads, no I haven't overlooked Section 20. The bit about realistic speed appropriate to road and traffic conditions.  Please don't fall out, we're never going to agree about driving at maximum permitted speed everywhere. One day you'll understand.


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Guest makapaka
7 hours ago, Cyclone said:

No, you should stay off the parkway because you find that 70 mph is too fast for comfort (if that is the case).  If you aren't comfortable at NSL, then stay off NSL roads, don't advocate the limit be lowered to your competence level.

Demonstrate that the parkway has a safety issue or can it.

Nobody is trying to prove anything by driving at 70mph, they simply want to get to where they're going in a reasonable time.

It seems to me that those who are advocating a lowered limit are not very good drivers and want to reduce everyone's speed to the best they are capable of.

What makes 15 daft but 50 sensible, explain.

What are you on about? What competence level?

are you some expert driver or something?


its nothing to do with saying the parkway has a safety Issue - but reducing the speed will make it safer and more environmentally friendly - what’s wrong with that?

2 hours ago, Cyclone said:

By that definition a single molecule of water wouldn't be wet, but a collection of them by definition are saturated with themselves, covered with themselves, and so they are wet.   But this is just sophistry.

On a topic about the speed limit on the parkway.



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3 minutes ago, makapaka said:

What are you on about? What competence level?

are you some expert driver or something?


its nothing to do with saying the parkway has a safety Issue - but reducing the speed will make it safer and more environmentally friendly - what’s wrong with that?

No I don't think Cyclone's an expert driver, other than in his (or her) own eyes. But they fall in with a number of contributors on here of the opinion that the key sign of a 'good' driver is to go as fast as is legally allowed, and consider all other views to be "ludicrous", "laughable", "incompetent", "incapable" and so on.....

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6 hours ago, makapaka said:

What are you on about? What competence level?

are you some expert driver or something?


its nothing to do with saying the parkway has a safety Issue - but reducing the speed will make it safer and more environmentally friendly - what’s wrong with that?

On a topic about the speed limit on the parkway.



We all think we're above average, but anyone who thinks that 70 is unreasonably fast, so much that they don't feel comfortable driving at that speed, they're driving is sub par.


You can't explain why the Parkway needs to be made safer, but every other NSL limit in the country doesn't then.  So you don't have any argument as to why the limit should be reduced.  I'm glad we've finally pinned you down with that.  No safety issue to be addressed.  The only point you have left is the spurious argument about environment.

6 hours ago, Crissie said:

No I don't think Cyclone's an expert driver, other than in his (or her) own eyes. But they fall in with a number of contributors on here of the opinion that the key sign of a 'good' driver is to go as fast as is legally allowed, and consider all other views to be "ludicrous", "laughable", "incompetent", "incapable" and so on.....

It's literally a point of the test on which you will fail if you don't do it.

6 hours ago, Crissie said:

Haha thanks lads, no I haven't overlooked Section 20. The bit about realistic speed appropriate to road and traffic conditions.  Please don't fall out, we're never going to agree about driving at maximum permitted speed everywhere. One day you'll understand.


So you're going to ignore the bits that you find inconvenient right now?

Nobody has argued that we shouldn't drive slower when conditions are poor.  It's when conditions are not poor, weather is good, traffic is light, you should drive at or close to the speed limit.

8 hours ago, Crissie said:

Forgive me, I'm not so young as I used to be, but in my day driving tests never went on 70 mph roads (possibly a shortcoming, but time dictated what could be done) - do they now?


And really, I think it's only fair to defend Padders; an opinion can't be totally ludicrous, it's simply an opinion. Just as whist I disagree with some of your own opinions, I don't feel the need to insult them.



They certainly do go on NSL limit roads, my test 20+ years ago included a section of dual carriageway NSL.

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10 hours ago, redbig said:

Says me. And apparently the qualified professionals who set it at 50... (Don't you feel silly now?). No idea about the Rotherham bit, I get on and off at handsworth

You do understand that this entire thread is about the NSL section of the parkway and a proposal to reduce that speed limit?


Don't you feel silly now? 

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9 hours ago, Cyclone said:

By that definition a single molecule of water wouldn't be wet, but a collection of them by definition are saturated with themselves, covered with themselves, and so they are wet.   But this is just sophistry.

Really? Such a ridiculous reply, that's actually made my day reading that.


The kicker that makes it so good is that I think may even have been serious. 

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Just now, crookesjoe said:

Really? Such a ridiculous reply, that's actually made my day reading that.


The kicker that makes it so good is that I think may even have been serious. 

It's sophistry like I said.  I doubt that many people would bother to be so pedantic as to argue that water isn't wet, but if they do, you can just as pedantic and argue that it is.

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16 minutes ago, Cyclone said:

We all think we're above average, but anyone who thinks that 70 is unreasonably fast, so much that they don't feel comfortable driving at that speed, they're driving is sub par.

That's very true.  70 on a motorway is ridiculously easy to do. Anyone that cant handle that should never be allowed behind the wheel.


On occasion Ive looked down at my speedo when im mentally in auto pilot on a long drive at night and im doing 120mph+.  Im in total control, there are no other cars on the road,. Ive not had anything close to an accident and I drive over 1000miles a week.

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