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Sheffield Clean Air Zone

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10 hours ago, geared said:

Isn't the current station setup better than it used to be though?


Used to be a sodding free-for-all when the public were allowed to drop off at the door, you'd always get some ignorant tosser blocking the drop-off zone waiting for someone.

The public now aren't supposed to go into the Drop-Off area and wait to pick-up. This is the ENTIRE problem around the station. (the same thing happens at airports, and why now everything is split, timed, and paid for) we really don't want this.


To pick up you are supposed to go into the car-park for free (30 mins time). Very few do, and that causes this. It's rarely 'policed' by station staff, and everyone knows it. Stick a camera on there and a £60 fine, and I'm telling you, word would spread,

8 hours ago, deam1967 said:

For a poor design of traffic flow 

yes, and even if what I wrote about fines happened,. it probably would still be bad. as the entry system to the car park is slow.

5 hours ago, ads36 said:

15 minutes is bad.


But that's hardly normal. I do a similar pickup once a fortnight (my wife, after work, 6ish), and it's usually a piece of cake.

I'm glad you wrote that, as it shows me that you don't know what you're talking about, like your earlier posts already made me suspect.





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I've had the letter from council saying they propose to charge me £10 per day to enter the city centre unless I buy an electric,hydrogen,or LPG  black cab But,BUT buses ,coaches can enter with the cleanest STANDARD  petrol or diesel??!. Where is the equality in that?. All by 2021. They will give me a grant (believe it when I see it) to help.at the moment there is only 1 electric black cab £60,000 . I will buy 10 with my minimum wage(oh yes)!.

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2 hours ago, rayggb said:

I've had the letter from council saying they propose to charge me £10 per day to enter the city centre unless I buy an electric,hydrogen,or LPG  black cab But,BUT buses ,coaches can enter with the cleanest STANDARD  petrol or diesel??!. Where is the equality in that?. All by 2021. They will give me a grant (believe it when I see it) to help.at the moment there is only 1 electric black cab £60,000 . I will buy 10 with my minimum wage(oh yes)!.

I got mine yesterday too.


Have you filled in the online bit.lies yet? I found it difficult to fill in due to the loaded nature of them.


The leaflet doesn't say much more than the online thing. Other than interest free loans for the LEVC. 60k even interest free (though could be 70k, I don't know if you'd still get the 10k govt grant on an interest free loan) is too much with more Calderdales and Kirkless diluting the work every week.


(edit, checked again, I'm not eligible anyway, only available to current hacks whose vehicles are unable to be converted to LPG) - to be honest, that's something new, I didn't know diesels could use LPG!, learn something every day)


In other news, I HAVE now found a dealer that is doing Teslas. I found it on the London Taxi forum. £300 a week to rent one. If I add my insurance onto that, (£60 for current, could be more in a tesla), last week I would have taken £34 in 7 days. Knock off electric bills and probably a loss.


It came to light also that charge points average around £0.39 per kWh. My home electric is nearly £0.12. So charge points are not going to be cheap either.

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£300 a week for a Tesla?  Ouch!

The battery (in the one you need for Taxi work) is 75kWh, at 39p per kWh you're looking at nearly 30 quid to charge it.


Is everyone just going to get licenced from another council and dodge the charge?

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I think I'll just refuse to drop in the city centre.i suppose it could be a spur to get a proper job after 30 years of putting it off!. I suppose We could also create a virtual city centre on the tinternet?,maybe that's a way to get round it,drive a virtual taxi from my bedroom!,wow who says I'm not MODERN!.

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4 hours ago, geared said:

£300 a week for a Tesla?  Ouch!

The battery (in the one you need for Taxi work) is 75kWh, at 39p per kWh you're looking at nearly 30 quid to charge it.


Is everyone just going to get licenced from another council and dodge the charge?

It'll need  recharging at least once in a day. That's about double what I pay in diesel everyday. This whole thing looks like going to be pricey to be clean!


No, they are using ANPR cameras that 'will link into a countrywide database' of PHVs and Hacks. apparently. However if it doesn't work, or somewhere is exempt, then I imagine 3000 phvs heading there in the days after! 😂

2 hours ago, rayggb said:

I think I'll just refuse to drop in the city centre.i suppose it could be a spur to get a proper job after 30 years of putting it off!. I suppose We could also create a virtual city centre on the tinternet?,maybe that's a way to get round it,drive a virtual taxi from my bedroom!,wow who says I'm not MODERN!.

I think the PHV companies will put £1-2 on any fares that use the ring road (or obviously into town). Same with tech companies. It's easy these days with GPS. Hackneys will have to buy a 60k one, or soak up the charge, as Cllr Scott said at the meeting, that Hackney fares WOULD NOT be increased to counter the charge.




I think customers if they are not going to the centre will say ''go this way to avoid it'' putting more cars in urban areas that surround the ring road. e.g. off top of my head Collegiate Cres will become a highway.


In the council text - IN THE FIRST LINE - it says '' Living alongside a busy road carries the same risk as passively smoking 10 cigarettes a day. Air pollution can permanently damage children's lungs.''


(doesn't mention adults, it's an odd sentence - does it not permanently damage ours? or just temporarily damage them (or not at all!)


This will mean our death machines* will be MORE in urban areas.


(*which by their figures contribute to 2% of Sheffield's NOx) -  not50% as the loaded text implies).



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Great pity that the council do not do more themselves to help the situation


As many will know the junction by Mowbray Street and the A61 is undergoing major roadworks and the bus taxi lane link is closed (mind you not sure what purpose it served anyway).  the council once again  have not thought to change the traffic lights to reflect the fact there is no traffic (in this case to keep the left hand filter on to Mowbray street on green unless pedestrians wish to cross) Not only does it hold up traffic but of course with unnecessary stop and starting simple wastes energy and adds to pollution.

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1 hour ago, amnicoll said:

Great pity that the council do not do more themselves to help the situation


As many will know the junction by Mowbray Street and the A61 is undergoing major roadworks and the bus taxi lane link is closed (mind you not sure what purpose it served anyway).  the council once again  have not thought to change the traffic lights to reflect the fact there is no traffic (in this case to keep the left hand filter on to Mowbray street on green unless pedestrians wish to cross) Not only does it hold up traffic but of course with unnecessary stop and starting simple wastes energy and adds to pollution.

From Mowbray Street side its use isn't as noticeable, but from the other side it kept buses off the loop to get around.


Since it's already difficult at peak times to get out of Nursery street due to standing traffic on Bridgehouses, it's made Nursery Street into a car park now.

I did it yesterday, and learned my lesson. I'm not going that way again!

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