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Sheffield Clean Air Zone

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1 hour ago, amnicoll said:

Great pity that the council do not do more themselves to help the situation


As many will know the junction by Mowbray Street and the A61 is undergoing major roadworks and the bus taxi lane link is closed (mind you not sure what purpose it served anyway).  the council once again  have not thought to change the traffic lights to reflect the fact there is no traffic (in this case to keep the left hand filter on to Mowbray street on green unless pedestrians wish to cross) Not only does it hold up traffic but of course with unnecessary stop and starting simple wastes energy and adds to pollution.

Changing the sequence of a set of signals isn't an easy or quick thing. Changing the amount of green time a particular approach gets is usually fairly easy, but if you want to alter the sequence in any way it's a vastly bigger job.

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7 hours ago, amnicoll said:

How many buses are there that used this "short cut"?

Well I was stood on Nursery St for about 20 mins yesterday, and there were 3 in the queue behind me. It's almost impossible to get out and into the far right lane (to aim for Mowbray Street), so often only 1 or 2 cars per light sequence.

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21 hours ago, Planner1 said:

Changing the sequence of a set of signals isn't an easy or quick thing. Changing the amount of green time a particular approach gets is usually fairly easy, but if you want to alter the sequence in any way it's a vastly bigger job.

How long are the works due to close the "link"?

If it is easy to alter the timing then one might ask why they  do not reduce the amount of time the left hand is showing red

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On 01/08/2019 at 10:31, amnicoll said:

If it is easy to alter the timing then one might ask why they  do not reduce the amount of time the left hand is showing red

I've pointed out this thread to SCC Traffic Control and they say they are monitoring the traffic and don't believe there are any significant delay issues. 


I don't know which "left hand" you mean, so difficult to comment. It may well be to do with what other approaches are showing green at the same time (ie the stage sequence of the signals, which, as I explained, is difficult to change). 

Edited by Planner1
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All it needs is the taxi and bus boss's to get together and tell the council no we're not agreeing to it. 18 mths notice is a joke to be fair . A new electric bus isnt cheap. A few days strikes on Bus ,taxis and hgv deliveries will bring the city centre to its knees. This isnt London and yet they want to charge London congestion prices. And most phv and taxi ,buses etc are low polluting diesels anyway

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23 hours ago, Planner1 said:

I've pointed out this thread to SCC Traffic Control and they say they are monitoring the traffic and don't believe there are any significant delay issues. 


I don't know which "left hand" you mean, so difficult to comment. It may well be to do with what other approaches are showing green at the same time (ie the stage sequence of the signals, which, as I explained, is difficult to change). 

I am not sure of the name but coming from A61 and turning left into Mowbray street rather than heading straight on to Chatham street (which does of course have conflicting traffic)

My complain is not so much the delays but the the extra pollution caused by traffic having to stop and start unnecessarily and the frustration but I have seen traffic stuck coming down from the Parkway trying to get round

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I see the charging zone INCLUDES the Inner Ring Road. Genius move by SCC. Not. That won't cause congestion in the areas immediately OUTSIDE the IRR, now will it children?


For example, let's say you are going to one of the hospitals. If your journey currently includes driving part of the way on the IRR, no problem. In future, when cars are charged, (as they inevitably will be - and I dare planner1 to say such a scenario WON'T happen because we all know it will with this short-sighted, car-hating, money-grabbing council), then you'll be stumping up a tenner, (or more?), for the joy of driving possibly around a mile or less on the IRR.


So what will you do to avoid the charge, particularly if it's a journey you make frequently, or even twice daily? You'll join everyone else who is trying to find a route through Crookes and Broomhall, won't you? Then, when the residents of those parts of the city kick off to the council about all the extra traffic, SCC will start closing roads in those areas, making this "CARS ARE EVIL" rat-running impossible. And making it even harder for people to get around than it already is.


The ultimate aim being to force everyone onto the IRR and generate a nice pot of cash for SCC. Of course, any incident will cause gridock but planner1's mates at the council will say something trite along the grounds of, "Traffic generally flows well", giving the gridlock situations the Nelson's eye treatment. Like I said, genius move. Don't believe me, take a look at Upper Allen Street, which used to be a very useful alternative to Netherthorpe Road at times when that was at a stand still due to, say, a bus breaking down somewhere in the city centre, causing general mayhem and gridlock. So what have SCC done to this alternative route? Google Maps is your friend.


Alternatively, let's say you want to pick up/drop off someone at Midland Station - that'll cost you a tenner as you'll be driving on the IRR to get there. The fact that there's 30 minutes free parking in the multi-storey at the side of the station? Well whoop-dee-do, what a big saving that will be. I'd venture that many pick-ups/drop-offs for the station in future will occur on South Street. Don't know where that is? Look it up. Oh, and I don't doubt for a single second that SCC will impose some Draconian parking restrictions on South Street in future to deter car drivers from using it to avoid SCC's incompetently thought out CAZ.


In short, if SCC had even the tiniest scrap of sense, (oh look, a flying porker has just gone past the window), the IRR would NOT be part of the CAZ. But then they wouldn't make as much money out of it, would they children? Which is not the object of the exercise, goodness me no, it would be wrong to think that. Yes. Right.


As I said in an earlier post, the good burghers of the towns surrounding Sheffield must be rubbing their hands in glee at all the extra business and jobs that will be coming their way. Sheffield though? Oh it's screwed, completely and utterly screwed if this CAZ  is implemented in the currently proposed form.

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37 minutes ago, Weredoomed said:

I see the charging zone INCLUDES the Inner Ring Road. Genius move by SCC. Not. That won't cause congestion in the areas immediately OUTSIDE the IRR, now will it children?


For example, let's say you are going to one of the hospitals. If your journey currently includes driving part of the way on the IRR, no problem. In future, when cars are charged, (as they inevitably will be - and I dare planner1 to say such a scenario WON'T happen because we all know it will with this short-sighted, car-hating, money-grabbing council), then you'll be stumping up a tenner, (or more?), for the joy of driving possibly around a mile or less on the IRR.



Anyone who thinks cars won't be charged eventually is a grade A idiot.

Public transport costs is going to sky-rocket. Practically all routes out of Olive Grove are in the CAZ zone. The few routes that don't are residential and will take most buses off the direct path to their terminus points, which will increase travel times to them in a morning so extra wages, earlier starts and a fleet of buses going past houses at 4am. Residents will love that one.


Because of this car use in the city will increase.

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