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1 hour ago, fools said:

Oh hello, are you part of this conversation now. Your leanings don't surprise me either


Imagination is a wonderful thing. Do you have a helmetcam


I rarely come across cars that have parked badly and cause a nuisance, and certainly don't wander around the city looking for them. That would be slightly obsessive don't you think

Yes, I do think it would be obsessive, which is why neither you, me, nor Resident do that. Instead we go about our daily lives and see more than enough bad parking and driving - it doesn't take a concentrated effort if it's right there in your way.


Now there is one way I use my imagination in this context - I see cars on pavements and the narrow gap they leave and I imagine the wheelchair/mobility scooter user who would never fit through, or the parent pushing a pram who has to go out on to the road to get round. Now, I'm young enough and fit enough to get around badly parked cars but not without putting myself in at least some danger (if by going out on to the road) or in to a tight spot (if squeezing through the gap left on the pavement), but then it's not really about me - again, I know that concept of thinking about other people when it comes to cars & pavements is lost on you.


FYI, because I know what image you've imagined up for me, no - I don't have a helmetcam and I haven't been on a bike for a good long while. I walk every day and use public transport and a car semi-regularly - I see terrible parking on a daily basis.


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51 minutes ago, fools said:

Insults again?


A future of autonomous drones monitoring movements awaits, if you can't wait for that to happen here, China might be an interesting place to live.

No insult. Just an observation. 

Here's another. You accuse people of being obsessive yet you're the one that interjected into a discussion purely to attack myself.  (Post #239) and then when countered made up a wild allegation without evidence.  When someone else joined the conversation, again countering your arguement, you again, attacked them. 

Seems obsessive with a touch of paranoia & self-delusional behaviour. 

Again, an observation, not meant as an attack. I do hope that you're able to obtain the help you need. 


Edited by Resident
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6 minutes ago, AndrewC said:

I know that concept of thinking about other people when it comes to cars & pavements is lost on you.

There you are again, letting your imagination run wild.


I was waiting for the pram lesson, you didn't disappoint.

Just now, Resident said:

No insult. Just an observation. 

no, insult

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35 minutes ago, Resident said:

you're the one that interjected into a discussion purely to attack myself.  (Post #239) and then when countered made up a wild allegation without evidence.  When someone else joined the conversation, again countering your arguement, you again, attacked them. 

Seems obsessive with a touch of paranoia & self-delusional behaviour. 

Again, an observation, not meant as an attack. I do hope that you're able to obtain the help you need. 


That was a chunky edit -- you're messing up your averages today.


I asked you a polite question.


Someone then came along suggesting I didn't give a damn about other people, which I responded to. They then repeated it, that's not countering an argument.


You responded (not for the first time) with a stream of insults, a pattern that you are still continuing. What was that about paranoia.


btw what method of transport do you use when you are swanning about the city.



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59 minutes ago, fools said:

That was a chunky edit -- you're messing up your averages today.


I asked you a polite question.


Someone then came along suggesting I didn't give a damn about other people, which I responded to. They then repeated it, that's not countering an argument.


You responded (not for the first time) with a stream of insults, a pattern that you are still continuing. What was that about paranoia.


btw what method of transport do you use when you are swanning about the city.



I edited because I caught the post button early. The forum software would have just merged my posts anyway. 

I posted observation and made an inference that you're just another keyboard warrior. Your paranoia sees them as insults & it's something you should see a professional about. 

As for the method of transport, it varies depending on what I need to do. Sometimes I'm on foot, sometimes I can get away with short-hopping on public transport, other times I may need to take a company vehicle and on rare occasions I use my own car (with business use on my insurance before you accuse illegal activity)

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26 minutes ago, Resident said:

I posted observation and made an inference that you're just another keyboard warrior. Your paranoia sees them as insults & it's something you should see a professional about. 


I use my own car (with business use on my insurance before you accuse illegal activity)

Calling me a fool, suggesting I speak to my carer before posting, and repeatedly making disparaging remarks about my mental health - It's a shame that you can't stick to the point without insulting people.


What was that about paranoia


All sounds a bit polluting

Edited by fools
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