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Sheffield gales 1962

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I remember that day well.....

....the vicarage death just a street over.........a lot of damage......we met ( i was with a couple of friends) an Australian .....we walked around taking pictures.....a really freak wind.....I still have the negatives.

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Originally posted by gopher

No ones mentioned all the pre-fabs that blew down on Sky Edge!!


I remember the ones at the Manor Top on Windy House Lane.

Didn't know the Sky Edge ones blew down. Mind you my bus didn't go past Sky Edge. Where were all the people rehoused?

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If I remember rightly, it also damaged the floodlight pylon on the corner of John Street/Shoreham Street. It didn't actually knock it down, it got hold of the top and bent it over, so that it was (almost) touching the ground. Takes a REAL force to do that to a structure that is designed to take heavy winds.

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I was twelve at the time, looking out of the classroom window at Tapton school the afternoon before the gale, I noticed that the sky was a unusual pink colour. On the night of the gale I was sleeping in the attic bedroom, I soon legged it downstairs when I thought the bedroom window was going to blow in on my bed.

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