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The Moon Landing. 50 Years On.

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12 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Most of the mission was fairly straightforward as most had been done successfully before. 80% of the risk was the actual descent and moon landing  itself. Not only did they have to get down without crashing but also to land on a relatively flat surface. Landing on a slope of 15 degrees or greater would have preventing them blasting off again.


I saw an interesting interview with Michael Collins, who remained in the command module during the landing. He was asked about the procedure if Armstrong and Aldrin could’t get off the lunar surface. He replied that he certainly wouldn’t be hanging around waiting for them to die, he’d be on his way back alone.

I saw the same interview which was very interesting

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18 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

In case anyone didn’t know, at 8.17pm tonight 50 years ago, the Eagle lunar lander touched down on the surface of the moon.


A remarkable feat with the resources available, particularly with the computing memory and power at the time. The famous 1202 error code, minutes before they landed was because Buzz Aldrin had forgotten to switch off the docking radar and the microprocessor was crapping out due to being task overloaded. The Angry Birds game alone uses more processing than used in the entire Apollo programme.


Yes we know that the whole thing wasn’t a great attempt to further mankind’s quest for knowledge, but rather a huge PR exercise in response to the Soviets making all the first major steps in the space race, but we should still pay tribute to the thousands of men and women who played their part in this great adventure.


(can mods please delete any attempts to turn this thread into a ‘it was all filmed in the Nevada desert’ conspiraloon fest)


Why the note to mods at the end ?  I think they went, but I also think everyone  is entitled to express an opinion.

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8 minutes ago, spilldig said:

Why the note to mods at the end ?  I think they went, but I also think everyone  is entitled to express an opinion.

This is a thread to discuss the achievement of 50 years ago.


As I said earlier, there are plenty of conspiracy websites on the internet for people to discuss their favourite theories. The note to mods was put there specifically because only a couple of weeks ago another ‘moon related’ thread was completely derailed and was eventually deleted because of conspiracy theorists constant interventions.

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In consideration of the limited technology.

One thing that  puzzles me was the communication capabilities across about quarter of a million miles.  :huh:


50 years on we still struggle at times to get a signal on the phone in some areas.

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Just now, Janus said:

One thing that  puzzles me was the communication capabilities across about quarter of a million miles.  :huh:


50 years on we still struggle at times to get a signal on the phone in some areas.

We have been communicating with radio waves over billions of miles across the universe for decades. That part of it was fairly easy. They were also transmitting a whole load of data (including astronauts’ heart rates) by radio too, as well as uploading navigation data to the various onboard computers.


Having said that, they did lose direct radio communication on the way down to the lunar surface and messages had to be relayed via Michael Collins in the command module who could hear both sides of the conversation between NASA and the lunar module.


Also the difference between 50 years ago and today was there were literally only a handful of analogue radio messages to and from the moon whereas in a modern city there are literally millions of voice (and data) transmissions occurring simultaneously in a relatively small area over a limited number of transmitters.



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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

This is a thread to discuss the achievement of 50 years ago.


As I said earlier, there are plenty of conspiracy websites on the internet for people to discuss their favourite theories. The note to mods was put there specifically because only a couple of weeks ago another ‘moon related’ thread was completely derailed and was eventually deleted because of conspiracy theorists constant interventions.

Fair enough. I never saw the other thread.

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