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Smoke Free Bramall Lane


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I reckon the club will be desperate to quickly make an example of someone as to bring others in line, would anyone risk having a season ticket revoked or a stadium ban for the sake of a smoke???


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  • 4 weeks later...

Noticed that while queing on Shoreham St. today to get on to the Kop, gate security staff were warning everyone about the Lane being a no smoking zone & anyone caught would get a 10 week ban. 


Funny then I heard two different tales in the pub after the match about the ruling not being enforced with apparently one steward telling a smoker, (who'd argued that as he was at the back of the Kop & therefore out in the open air), he wasn't that bothered & it wasn't worth the hassle for the money he gets on a match day. 

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I saw a steward at the Kop end telling a smoker "I can only ask you to stop mate"


Which is fair enough really considering the size of the crowd there, you can't expect 1 or 2 guys to wade in and start pushing people around, that certainly won't end well.

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