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Creepy/Paranormal Experiences

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What, if any, creepy, unexplained or paranormal experiences have you had?


 probably wouldn't put it in the "Creepy" box myself, more unexplained but here goes. 

In September of 2002 myself and 2 friends (female) decided that we all wanted out of our respective parents digs so we opted to find somewhere and share. We found a huge 3 bed flat nearby going silly cheap (320 PCM inc CT) We couldn't move in properly on the day we got the keys through work commitments though I managed to wangle the afternoon off and said I'd go clean the place up first (been empty a while so surfaces/carpets needed a once over).

So I goes in armed with cleaning gear and tea-making provisions. About 2pm I decided to have a break with a cuppa. Made myself a brew and stood looking out of the lounge window which overlooked a valley. Suddenly my head was flooded with memories of summer days, looking out of that window, really vivid memories, all the senses, feeling the heat, smells and sounds. It seemed only to last a few moments BUT towards the end of the influx I felt a tapping on my shoulder. It was one of my new flatmates. She said I was stood there for 5 mins just staring and had been since she arrived.

Thing is, she arrived at the flat just after 5pm. I'd lost 3 hours.

Never found an explanation for the event, I even went to the doc to see if I'd had some kind of neurological episode. Nothing. 

Lived in that flat for about 18 months and never had anything remotely weird happen again.

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I have lots of them experiences , but never for 3 hrs. I can transport my self back to the past for about 4/5 minutes. only the other day I was sat on my garden bench relaxing, when I thought I was in Turkey sat round the pool, I could even smell the pool water and hear the kids playing its so real for a couple of mins, suppose its just daydreaming.

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back in the mid 80s (as kids) living at Woodhus, theres two roads parallel with the railway line in the middle, opposite the junction. Soaphouse lane is the lower, the name of the higher one eludes me at the moment, it lead down to the secko and train yard. anyway on the left as you walked down used to be a row of houses overlooking the railway, one had an old air raid shelter in the garden that was said to be haunted, a bloke hung himself in it? or so the kids story went.

Anyway when they were getting everybody out ready to knock em down we had a "den" in one of em, may be that house or the one next door, you had to enter the atic den through a hole in the wall from the house next door. one day we saw something strange, a sort of grey, white human shape floated past the hole in the wall...and never came back the other way, weve never got down out of a house so fast, mi sister left her jumper up there and none of us (about 8 ) would go back up LOL

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In the early eighties, I was stood outside the house  ready to get into the car with my father.  An image just flashed into my mind of a flat landscape, a low setting sun and perhaps a small river in the foreground. Thought nothing of it as you would. Next day, my neighbour's wife returned unexpectedly from Chatteris (in the fens) where they rented a cottage, and I found that her husband Jim had died there and then through a heart attack whilst fishing on the river bank. This would have been around the same time as I got the image. When she told me about Jim, the image I had immediately sprung to mind and I have never forgot. Other than that, I have never had any connection with paranormal/spiritual activities.

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A few years back I went around to my parents house one day around 1.30pm, they had just arrived home from a boot sale,  my mother showed me a few things she'd bought, then I said "anything else?, " she produced a small ceramic box with a lid, I went cold all through my body, "it looks like a coffin", I said,"throw it away or It'll bring news", "don't be daft",  she said, I almost went manic till she threw it in the bin. I'd never felt anything like that before, then about fifteen minutes later the phone rang and my brother in law said he and my sister had been in a road accident near York,  she'd been taken to hospital but nothing serious,  other than precautionary.  He said the accident happened at 1.35pm!

Made me think, what if we hadn't thrown the box away?!

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Jan 31 this year I had my knee operation to fix my shattered knee cap and torn tendon  damaged in a accident.


I was told by the surgeon they put three screws above my knee and three below with a metal band pulling the kneecap together.


Fast forward to a few weeks ago so nearly 6 months from the accident. I asked the doctor if I can have another operation to remove the hardware in my knee as I can feel it moving when I bend my knee. 


He responded by saying there is nothing to remove.


He was sitting at his desk and swivelled his computer screen around to show me one of the X Rays of my leg. A long 30 cm rod was visible in my thigh but absolutely nothing visible in my knee.


Perhaps I have acid blood not sure. Another 5 months till I return to the hospital.





Edited by MAC33
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Only 'creepy' thing I've ever experienced was sleep paralysis. I was asleep and then 'woke' to see an enormous tarantula (about the size of a Labrador) crouched on the bed next to me. It was completely and utterly real in that moment, but I couldn't move. Absolutely horrifying and terrifying. As soon as I could move again I was up and across the room turning the lights on in about a nanosecond.


Weird thing was, when I went back over to the bed there was actually a small spider in the covers, but I have no idea how I could have seen it whilst asleep. Very strange!

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Guest makapaka

Had a cellar at an old terraced house in loxley that I occasionally had to go down and could never get out of quick enough.


never been bothered about anything like that but after a few minutes down there I would get an enormous urge to get out and felt scared.


all in my head but never had it before or since in any similar circumstances.

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schoolmate’s dad had an old pub built in 18th century. The cellar and attic rooms were very creepy and oppressive, and legend had it both haunted. My mate locked me in the cellar once and turned off the light. Even with the light on it felt like you were being watched by something. One of the worst experiences of my life. Horrendous.

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Years ago I was standing in my kitchen when I was aware of someone standing directly behind me.I could feel their breath and see the shape of their shoulders as I turned slightly around.  I suddenly turned quickly around but no one was there.!

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