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Jussie Smollet

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6 minutes ago, Waj said:

Are you being deliberately ignorant? Not once have I done that. You seem to just ignore the meaning of my posts or just cherry pick the bits you like. Its almost like you want to ignore the fact that Jussie is guilty of nothing yet and even if proved guilty I believe his motives were pure. Maybe if he was not a POC you would find that easier to understand?

No I didnt.

The meaning of your posts are clear. Everyone reading them can discern what you think. 

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5 minutes ago, Waj said:

What about it?

It clearly states that Jussie Smollet should be commended for faking a hate crime to shine a light on discrimination and racism (if that is what he did). That doesn't sound like a statement from someone who thinks that faking a hate crime is a vile thing to do.

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1 minute ago, jonnyhonda said:

It clearly states that Jussie Smollet should be commended for faking a hate crime to shine a light on discrimination and racism (if that is what he did). That doesn't sound like a statement from someone who thinks that

faking a hate crime is a vile thing to do.

Point to where I said it. Go on. Take your time im not that busy tonight.

3 hours ago, Waj said:

Smollet "may" have done the wrong thing. As far as im concerned he is innocent until proved guilty in a court of law but if he has done wrong then ask yourself why he felt the need to do what he did. He probably wanted to shine  light on the discrimination and plain old fashioned racism many people of colour face on a daily basis in the US.

For that he should be commended.


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3 hours ago, Waj said:

Smollet "may" have done the wrong thing. As far as im concerned he is innocent until proved guilty in a court of law but if he has done wrong then ask yourself why he felt the need to do what he did. He probably wanted to shine  light on the discrimination and plain old fashioned racism many people of colour face on a daily basis in the US.

For that he should be commended.

Now if that is not stating Jussie Smollet should be commended then I can't help you any further , but never mind .

Just tell me  , do you think faking a hate crime is a vile thing to do ?

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3 hours ago, Waj said:

If and I will repeat that, If he faked a hate crime im guessing he didnt think he would get caught. Im also guessing that  shining a light on hate crimes was his intention. Exposing inequality and racism is a commendable thing to do.

You haven't been paying attention to the situation.  He faked a hate crime, no if.


Imagine if an edl scumbag faked a situation in which a Muslim attacked him and shouted Allahu Anbar.  Would you consider his motive noble.


Smollet has done more to damage race relations than anyone since Mr Jim Crow.  He is the lowest of the low.

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