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A&e What An Horrific Sight

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1 hour ago, Mister Gee said:

de pfeffel is bunging the NHS loads of money though, so it must be getting better?

  Doubtful.  Its a bottomless money pit. 


Just like every other NHS windfall that's gone before - the layers of incompetent management, unionised dinosaur working methods and millions of citizens taking it for granted, leaching out everything they can get and not paying enought into the system - will soon see whatever monies drain away to nothing.


Round and round it goes.   Another 18 months and it will be funding crisis, "underpaid" staff and oversubscribed services all over again.


I just wish instead of throwing money at it - we had a Minister who had the balls to tell the truth about the NHS.   A minister who was prepared to stop treating it as this overprotected precious thing that simply cannot be critised or trimmed.  A minister who was prepared to be frank with people and strip back the health service to  providing ESSENTIAL healthcare provision only. 



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9 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

  Doubtful.  Its a bottomless money pit. 


Just like every other NHS windfall that's gone before - the layers of incompetent management, unionised dinosaur working methods and millions of citizens taking it for granted, leaching out everything they can get and not paying enought into the system - will soon see whatever monies drain away to nothing.


Round and round it goes.   Another 18 months and it will be funding crisis, "underpaid" staff and oversubscribed services all over again.


I just wish instead of throwing money at it - we had a Minister who had the balls to tell the truth about the NHS.   A minister who was prepared to stop treating it as this overprotected precious thing that simply cannot be critised or trimmed.  A minister who was prepared to be frank with people and strip back the health service to  providing ESSENTIAL healthcare provision only. 



can't like post on here.




No one has the balls, even though everyone who looks into it knows it.

The MPs, the government, the opposition, the staff in the NHS, and people who have worked or contracted to them) know it.


The only way to win votes though is promising more money, so it will never end.



Edited by *_ash_*
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A & E has been like this for years. Although when I worked there years ago there were genuinely ill people there.

However a nurse told me recently that they are not allowed to turn drunks and drug addicts away therefor they get a free bed for the night , while genuinely ill people have to wait while these low life hold the queue up !

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10 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

I've been right at the coal face with it recently and something needs doing somewhere.

I suggest a 2 tier queueing system as a NHS money saver:


2 waiting rooms (no difference in queue order)


1. You either go in the shouting and moaning section,


2. Or into a quiet room, and suffer in silence, which is far superior to suffering in a an incredibly loud room, with all kinds of people.


I bet that although this doesn't help time spans, it would get the NHS far more @ # likes# @ and much happier 'unfazed' people. :)






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15 minutes ago, *_ash_* said:

I suggest a 2 tier queueing system as a NHS money saver:


2 waiting rooms (no difference in queue order)


1. You either go in the shouting and moaning section,


2. Or into a quiet room, and suffer in silence, which is far superior to suffering in a an incredibly loud room, with all kinds of people.


I bet that although this doesn't help time spans, it would get the NHS far more @ # likes# @ and much happier 'unfazed' people. :)






A 'quiet carriage' for the waiting room would go down a bundle with a whole load of patients, I suspect, but who would police it?   Tutting loudly at people doesn't seem to have any effect at the idiots on trains.

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1 hour ago, ECCOnoob said:

  I just wish instead of throwing money at it - we had a Minister who had the balls to tell the truth about the NHS.   

You’ll struggle with that!


The Health Minister was on Channel Four News tonight lying through his teeth until he was shamed into admitting that Boris’s NHS bung was not new money at all.

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Simple solution- if you're drunk, disorderly  or under the influence of drugs then bugger off.


No NHS service for people like that.

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