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A&e What An Horrific Sight

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5 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

I'm glad you see it as a joke. I certainly don't. 


In fact it infuriates me to the core when I see those with genuine debilitating and lifelong conditions (including members of my own family) seeing their vital support services cut to the bone or even closed altogether to fund the ever-increasing numbers of the irresponsible, malingerers, time wasters and self-inflicted leaching out precious NHS resources.


You may pass it off as some right-wing rant - some of us see the reality for what it is.


Yes of course some people have severe mental health conditions I am not immune to that. But don't tell me that every dweller of the hospital has the excuse of mental ailments.


The drunken idiots week in week out, the boy racers running their cars up a tree repeatedly, silly teenagers doing daft stunts for the  internet and getting injured, the serial breeders who seem to think bringing a child into the world is the states problem, the sporty people repeatedly pulling and straining something, the hypochondriacs rocking up at emergency rooms with a cold, the gluttons eating their way to death despite medical advice and sometimes after diagnosis of conditions like diabetes......


All mental health related? I don't think so. 

You fail to mention the knifings ECCO. just watched Ross Kemp on knife crime in London and the major citys. the increase in stabbings as increased dramatically over the years. all need treating at A/E. how much is that costing the NHS.

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47 minutes ago, Padders said:

You fail to mention the knifings ECCO. just watched Ross Kemp on knife crime in London and the major citys. the increase in stabbings as increased dramatically over the years. all need treating at A/E. how much is that costing the NHS.

Quite a lot I suspect.    Shame there is no automatic mechanism for recouping NHS charges from those found guilty and sentenced for battery, ABH and GBH.


Compensation Recovery Unit has very big limitations and certainly dont affect the perpetrator of a deliberate violent attack.  


Maybe its time it was looked into.   It would certainly make people be mindful of the potential consequences their own (in such instance) deliberate and and targetted actions - some fear and risk of potentially being held personally financially liable for a victim's treatment costs would go a long way to emphasise that.

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