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Do you regret going to nightclubs?

Do you regret going to nightclubs?  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you regret going to nightclubs?

    • No, I'm glad I started going.
    • Yes, i wish i had never started.
    • I have mixed feelings
    • I enjoyed it at the time but wouldn't want to go again.
    • I am glad and still go.
    • I like it now but intend to stop clubbing in the future

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My Gawd, there's some serious clubbers here or what ? ;)


Sid, I've read the whole thread, and at first, thought the same as a few other posters. It's a daft Q. Cos I bet most clubbers don't think like u do, however, not saying that there aren't people who don't go to clubs and just want to pull. Or sell drugs, or to perv, or to get rid of their stress by dancing their socks off. As with anything in life, there are a lot of other things which puts u off, but why should u let people put u off ?


If you want to do something, go ahead and do it. Don't let others put u off.


So what, if u encountered a drug dealer ? Even if u hate that person, the next time u see one, or u come across one. Deal with it more smartly. Tell him to shove off, or avoid him or something. Normally, after a while, u know what people are like. You just know the type.


Rather than seeing the experience negatively, maybe you should view it this way. At least you know that drug dealers come in all shapes and forms. They are not necessarily the type that u see on the streets and who are always begging. If anything, it opens your eyes to the real world.


I don't regret going to clubs cos it was just 'one of those things'. I didn't have any expectation of what it is like, and neither did I go because of a specific aim. Well, I didn't when I was 18. I probably don't club as much now, cos I'm more picky about the crowd or the music. (Cos I'm so out of the scene that I don't know what is what any more.) Normally, it's a brilliant night when u go with people who have the same appreciation and taste in music. So yes, the aim is somewhat different now.


I'm not saying you are on drugs but when you say you wouldn't buy something publically it leaves it open to interpretation.[/Quote]

Well, then that's your judgement. Those that have clubbed or whatever know what is the score. A lot of clubbers are safer people than u ever realise. Or rather, some people are more into the music scene than the drugs. Though, each to their own. You should check out http://www.urban75.com sometimes.


I don't know what circles you move in Cyclone (and don't wish to presume) but I don't mix with such people and have no desire to. I didn't know him, where he came from, if he was armed in any way, how violent he might be etc. I didn't initiate contact with him, but rather he with me. He was an unwelcome and uninvited intrusion.

Well, let that be an experience, cos I can tell u honestly that I have met some quite unsavoury people that just puts me off clubbing too. One or two incidences in London scared the hell out of me. You do meet all sorts of people, and not everyone who goes are the same. All u can do is be that bit smarter. Or go with people u trust on a night out.


For me, I would go and do something cos I enjoy that something, rather than do something cos it's expected or is the norm. I'm sure a lot of people have their expectations and opinions on things, but...clubs are not necessarily just for pulling as it is an enjoyment of music.


If you're the type that doesn't enjoy the music. Doesn't necessarily enjoy the dancing either. Then maybe clubbing is not your cuppa tea. Or maybe find a club where it does have quiet areas for chatting and chilling out. Some clubs are like that.


Yes, I know that girls dressed provocatively in a club is indeed very appealing, but if it's against your taste and ethic anyway then....maybe u should review your dating strategies. ;)

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I love going to a club when I can be bothered to get off my arse and go :)


Mainly it's for the socialising, music and dancing! Many clubs are different, for example a lot of the people on here wouldn't like Corp but I love it :)


If you don't do something for yourself you're never going to get any life experience. Talking to other people about stuff might give a vague idea but you have to do stuff yourself. What ever you want to do JUST DO IT :)

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i totally agreed with what you said in earlier post smithson, but couldnt be bothered to quote it ....anyway on to the point...


is this a wind up thread?

i thought so,

then read more,

and thought it was serious,

then read more and thought it was a 'wind up' etc etc etc


i know the feeling about being approached by drug dealers though, when at Gatecrasher sound system the other year I had to wait 3 hours to be approached by one...:hihi:


if you are being serious slim, its seems you run into more trouble in here than in clubs, i dont believe your being serious, but funny thread anyway, its made me smile



Wake up and smell the coffee!


had a lil giggle at this, it seems slim that your being offered sniffs at drugs online too

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