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Should Forums Remove Dehumanising Posts?

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Not referencing any event in particular, but I’m becoming more and more uneasy about how easily we (me included) can refer to certain groups of people, or persons who have committed certain crimes in very dehumanising ways...






Isn’t it time we stopped, and at the same time call out any politician, collumnist, media person etc when they do?

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44 minutes ago, Happ said:

Definitely not.

I'm with Happ on this one. 


It might be a case of "But for the grace of God, go I", but if a law abiding citizen can't put themselves above & use derogatory terms against a pensioner robbing mugger or a convicted paedophile, then what is the world coming too.   Such terms as vermin aren't going to affect such filth. 


By all means Eater Sundae, if you want to treat the convicted scum of this world as your equals, then that's your perogative. 

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6 hours ago, Eater Sundae said:

Not referencing any event in particular, but I’m becoming more and more uneasy about how easily we (me included) can refer to certain groups of people, or persons who have committed certain crimes in very dehumanising ways...






Isn’t it time we stopped, and at the same time call out any politician, collumnist, media person etc when they do?

That is what a Forum is for.

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Some interesting replies, given the OP's reference to certain "groups of people" (ie not necessarily those committing the most heinous crimes, nor even criminals at all)...


...and the increasingly-legitimised use of strong names exactly like 'vermin' by top level politicians in social media, to designate certain groups of (non-criminal, but ideologically-opposed) people (to say nothing of the now-very-widespread-and-open use of these same epiteths by xenophobes likewise in social media, to designate immigrants and other targets pointed to them by the usual hate-mongers).


No wonder your society has become so polarised, and is still only getting more so. You're letting your society fill itself with ever more hate, de-humanising the stooge-designate of the moment ever faster and easier, without seeing any need for any sort of checks and balances at any point.

Edited by L00b
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17 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

He can't slag off people he doesn't agree with.

Of course I can - one doesn't need to use dehumanising language to do that. Although referring to people as cockroaches, vermin, rats etc is often indicative of a truly abhorrent, hate filled mentality, I don't think it should be banned. Mostly because I think banning things is a bad idea in general, with some exceptions.

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