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Should Forums Remove Dehumanising Posts?

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They are just words. Some people feel more powerful when they use them,

well I do when I see drunken men having a pee in Newcastle City Centre, when families are out shopping, on a Saturday afternoon.  I’ve shouted the word animal at them the odd time. 


Thankfully it doesn’t happen very often since the pee busters, men who pull up in a van when the culprit has been caught on security camera are given a brush and disinfectant and told to clean the area.


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I think it depends. 

I can think of a couple of examples (such as the grooming gangs that preyed on children then raped and tortured them), where the perpetrators and their actions are so vile, that I see no problem in describing them in dehumanising terms. So no, in that instance forums shouldn't remove those posts.

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"However, when the line is crossed from being funny to abusive, we do have to make sure we are responsible and remind people to be careful about what they write on social media."

I'd like the police to clarify where is the crossing between funny and abusive.

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