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Qatari Muslim Brotherhood-Linked Charity Builds Massive Sheffield Islamic Centre

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I came across an article mentioning this 'Emaan Trust' and their Islamic Centre in Sheffield a couple of months ago when I was browsing for news on developments in Sheffield.  I had never heard of it before, and so was a little shocked when I saw some American website to do with global issues of defense/diplomacy casually mentioned that "Sheffield UK" would be host to one of the largest extremist-backed building projects (largest in the UK I think the quote was).  Since nobody I know has heard of this, I thought it best to bring it to the forum's attention.


Anti-Semite and a Muslim Brotherhood supporter behind new UK mosque - The Telegraph


Qatari charity head gives millions to European Muslim Brotherhood-linked bodies - The National


Mosque has trustee on board who sold phones stolen from teenagers - The Telegraph


I am not a Muslim, I don't personally agree with the teachings of that religion, and I come from a different minority.   I am concerned that this building might act as a platform for the teaching of hatred or supremacist views toward other human beings, and therefore implicitly act as a platform for racism.  


The report in the Abu Dhabi based newspaper mentions that known hate preacher and Muslim Brotherhood supporter Yusuf Al Qaradawi and his Nectar Trust have given 2.2 million toward this Sheffield centre, and funds similar institutions throughout Europe.  He is believed to be the spiritual leader of the Brotherhood.  Among other things, the Muslim Brotherhood engaged in torture while in power in Egypt between 2011 and 2013  and have now been banned.  The Muslim Brotherhood:


  • Engaged in acts of political torture while in power in Egypt: "the Brotherhood arrested left-wing activist Kamal Khalil and detained him inside a mosque. He saw a number of demonstrators stripped of their clothes and brutally flogged in the mosque, to the point that most of them lost consciousness” reported Washington-based Al Monitor.
  • Engaged in propagandist acts of racism: "founded a website instructing Muslims to hate Jews and Christians", said Abu Dhabi-based The National.
  • Rejects the legal equality for all human beings "the candidacy of women or Copts (Christians) for Egypt's presidency" according to their own news outlets, quoted by Wikipedia.


Additionally, we can infer quite a lot from the character of the people the Emaan Trust and Nectar Trust choose to appoint as members of their organization:


  1. "The Emaan Islamic Centre in Sheffield includes among its trustees a shopkeeper who was handed an 18 month suspended sentence in 2016 after pleading guilty to five counts of handling stolen goods.  Aiman Mohammed Saeed, 51, was caught in a police sting operation selling phones stolen in street robberies and from nightclubs in the city.  A court heard how Saeed, who runs an electrical goods shop called Yem Tech was caught on camera selling stolen iPhones to undercover officers and asking them to steal Xboxes and PS4 games for his business."
  2. "The CEO of QC, Yousef Al Kuwari, is also the former chief executive of the Nectar Trust, the British arm of the Qatari body, which is behind a number of projects to build some of the largest multi-million-pound mosques across Europe.  He previously founded Islamweb, a website that issued edicts stating that it is “forbidden” to swear an oath to gain British citizenship and warned of Jews and Christians: “It is incumbent to hate them for the sake of Allah.”"


I feel I've done a little of my civic duty anyway.  It's up to residents of Sheffield to decide how to respond to this.  I would personally tell colleagues/friends about the centre, write to my MP, and consider a leaflet campaign that clearly stated the facts, and the facts only, to local residents living in the area of this building. 

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Originally posted in response to the deleted post about American news media being potentially Islamophobic:



Since education is where the conscientiousness and duty to the truth of the next generation is formed, I am concerned about the effects that organizations like this will have upon the education of young people in Sheffield.   Will they be taught that other cultures are inferior?  Second class human beings?  What does such a view speak of the value of the lives of such inferior beings, and of their cultures?


Looking at Wahabi extremists, the Talliban, ISIS and other similar groups, to my mind, it's incredible how much they resemble the Nazi party of 1930s Germany.  Like the Brownshirts or Hitler Youth they wear a prescribed set of clothes, style their hair a certain prescribed way, burn books, censor facts, and destroy art that reminds them other cultures have ever existed.  Maybe this Emaan Trust is different, but it's funded by a guy who thought a similar ideology was alright for Egypt.


These extremist organizations seem to be composed of unrepentant imperialists; they aren't freedom fighters, they don't object to the imperial jackboot existing, they object that they aren't the one wearing it and stepping on everyone's throat. Whether spiritualist, Yazidi, Hindu, Shinto, Christian, Buddhist, Jew, Zoroastrian, Taoist, Sikh, atheist, agnostic or philosopher... or even just the 'wrong kind' of Muslim, or 'not Muslim enough'.


Although the USA has it's problems, I think we give them too little credit; even if imperfect in practice, their constitution provisions equality under the law, and this simple statement of intent is already an improvement on the complete lack of even nominal religious freedom in many countries, where changing your inward personal convictions can meet with death, such as in Saudi Arabia, where being an atheist is considered a capital crime, or Dubai where being raped gets you jail and the economy is run on the slavery of minority guest-workers. 


Read about the 2018 case of Asia Bibi and consider whether America or some of the OIC countries have a greater problem with racism.  A Christian woman was accused of blasphemy for drinking from the wrong water well by a bigoted neighbor.  Pakistan's minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti and  Governor of the Punjab Salmaan Taseer were both tragically assassinated for suggesting she should be acquitted.  When acquitted under international pressure, people from extremist groups block highways across the country halting traffic.  This needs no embellishment, it speaks for itself, and similar oppression is happening incessantly, with Christians being the most persecuted group on Earth according to several impartial reports.  Additionally, contrast this to Rotherham where the British authorities were so afraid of appearing racist that they allowed 1400 of their women and children to go without justice or respect for their suffering for many years.  This hypocrisy of standards can't go on in a globalized world, in my opinion.  Countries must be called out on the issue of freedom of belief, and treatment of minorities, before the double standard bears unwelcome fruit.  Self-examination and inward honesty are good, but not to the point where you are so critical of yourself that you allow a bully to run you down.  I've heard of people shouted at by skinheads here, but not had the entire state against them.


The freedom to choose wrongly, or to fail through your own choices, is accepted even by western Christians or atheists who feel they know a better way to live life, because they hold that the inward convictions of a person inviolable, even if they don't always do a person good.  I suspect that the desire to force beliefs on people, is born of a sense of inadequacy, and fear of honest competition, because people only ban what they are afraid of.

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A huge part of this is down to 'Religion'.


The sooner folks wake up to the fact that there IS NO GOD and there NEVER was ANY GOD or GODS...the better.


Moreover...folks are using Religious beliefs as excuses to do or not to do... what ever they please.!


When ever will this madness be stopped? Or at least be seen for what it really is...Nothing more than a 'Belief'.


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4 hours ago, Sheffielder8472 said:



I came across an article mentioning this 'Emaan Trust' and their Islamic Centre in Sheffield a couple of months ago when I was browsing for news on developments in Sheffield.  I had never heard of it before, and so was a little shocked when I saw some American website to do with global issues of defense/diplomacy casually mentioned that "Sheffield UK" would be host to one of the largest extremist-backed building projects (largest in the UK I think the quote was).  Since nobody I know has heard of this, I thought it best to bring it to the forum's attention.


Anti-Semite and a Muslim Brotherhood supporter behind new UK mosque - The Telegraph


Qatari charity head gives millions to European Muslim Brotherhood-linked bodies - The National


Mosque has trustee on board who sold phones stolen from teenagers - The Telegraph


I am not a Muslim, I don't personally agree with the teachings of that religion, and I come from a different minority.   I am concerned that this building might act as a platform for the teaching of hatred or supremacist views toward other human beings, and therefore implicitly act as a platform for racism.  


The report in the Abu Dhabi based newspaper mentions that known hate preacher and Muslim Brotherhood supporter Yusuf Al Qaradawi and his Nectar Trust have given 2.2 million toward this Sheffield centre, and funds similar institutions throughout Europe.  He is believed to be the spiritual leader of the Brotherhood.  Among other things, the Muslim Brotherhood engaged in torture while in power in Egypt between 2011 and 2013  and have now been banned.  The Muslim Brotherhood:


  • Engaged in acts of political torture while in power in Egypt: "the Brotherhood arrested left-wing activist Kamal Khalil and detained him inside a mosque. He saw a number of demonstrators stripped of their clothes and brutally flogged in the mosque, to the point that most of them lost consciousness” reported Washington-based Al Monitor.
  • Engaged in propagandist acts of racism: "founded a website instructing Muslims to hate Jews and Christians", said Abu Dhabi-based The National.
  • Rejects the legal equality for all human beings "the candidacy of women or Copts (Christians) for Egypt's presidency" according to their own news outlets, quoted by Wikipedia.


Additionally, we can infer quite a lot from the character of the people the Emaan Trust and Nectar Trust choose to appoint as members of their organization:


  1. "The Emaan Islamic Centre in Sheffield includes among its trustees a shopkeeper who was handed an 18 month suspended sentence in 2016 after pleading guilty to five counts of handling stolen goods.  Aiman Mohammed Saeed, 51, was caught in a police sting operation selling phones stolen in street robberies and from nightclubs in the city.  A court heard how Saeed, who runs an electrical goods shop called Yem Tech was caught on camera selling stolen iPhones to undercover officers and asking them to steal Xboxes and PS4 games for his business."
  2. "The CEO of QC, Yousef Al Kuwari, is also the former chief executive of the Nectar Trust, the British arm of the Qatari body, which is behind a number of projects to build some of the largest multi-million-pound mosques across Europe.  He previously founded Islamweb, a website that issued edicts stating that it is “forbidden” to swear an oath to gain British citizenship and warned of Jews and Christians: “It is incumbent to hate them for the sake of Allah.”"


I feel I've done a little of my civic duty anyway.  It's up to residents of Sheffield to decide how to respond to this.  I would personally tell colleagues/friends about the centre, write to my MP, and consider a leaflet campaign that clearly stated the facts, and the facts only, to local residents living in the area of this building. 

Firstly, thank you for bringing this to our attention. Personally I feel as though this in direct opposition to to British value and must be stopped.

Let’s see what the  illuminati on this forum think?

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How is it in Opposition to British Value?.


Please... Explain before making accusations.


You are also accusing members of this forum to be members of the 'Illuminati'...Which I personally think is 


out of order.


(Although...I am A Senior Member of said Cult..)

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3 hours ago, FinBak said:

A huge part of this is down to 'Religion'.


The sooner folks wake up to the fact that there IS NO GOD and there NEVER was ANY GOD or GODS...the better.


Moreover...folks are using Religious beliefs as excuses to do or not to do... what ever they please.!


When ever will this madness be stopped? Or at least be seen for what it really is...Nothing more than a 'Belief'.


Short and sweet, agree 110 %.



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