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Jeffrey Epstein

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43 minutes ago, melthebell said:

he was also a mate of trumps, whos trump once said he also likes women...young women...but then suddenly fell out with him once it was all coming out...hmmmmm

I'm just going to take a wild guess and say you have not read any of the unsealed documents. Trump is named take a look haha.


Serious question. Are you on the mailing list for Shareblue? The liberal activist website. Funny how they sent an emergency email around that has been leaked as soon as news of Epsteins suicide was released. It wouldn't surprise me if quite a few of you were on that mailing list. Russian collusion anyone? Anyone? 





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43 minutes ago, taxman said:

But twice?

I’m crap at my job every so often. Chris grayling had a far more important job than me and he was crap at it, literally all the time. Have the American prison system suffered the same sort of cuts as we have? I don’t know. I’ve tried to find out how many people have died whilst on suicide watch but the whole Epstein thing has swamped google.

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9 hours ago, darylslinn said:

Conspiracy theorists abound that he was swapped out and still lives..... strange that the Prince Andrew connection appears this morning then hours later he's allegedly dead !

Is it also coincidence that Maxwell's daughter, Ghislaine, had her Megabucks lawsuit to prevent the opening of the related documents, rejected the other day?

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9 hours ago, taxman said:

But twice?

Once, the first attempt is that an attempt, it's the successful one after which you would then think hmm maybe he should be watched. Which then means your crap at yer job as he then did it

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5 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Once, the first attempt is that an attempt, it's the successful one after which you would then think hmm maybe he should be watched. Which then means your crap at yer job as he then did it

If anyone is really determined to commit suicide then they will do it no matter how many people watch them. 


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