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R.I.P. Ken Winterbottom.

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As I recall Kenneth he was a stout lad whose father, I feel pretty sure, worked on the trams and made model boats. One of the gallants of Sharrow Lane Juniors ! I think he also, like many of that generation, started his education at Denby St nursery.  Recalled, remembered and respected. 

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Very sad to hear of Ken's death. I have some good memories of him. I went to Sharrow Lane Juniors with him until I left aged eleven to go to Nether Edge. We lost touch for about three years, but Ken started knocking about with me and Roger Walker and one or two more around the ages of fourteen, fifteeen and sixteen. We used to go up to his Dad's allotment behind the woods on Hutcliffe Wood Road. We would open the hut there and lark about for hours. If it was cold we would light a fire in the old Salamander stove. As we got a little older we would often take our girl friends along (all innocent stuff at the time!)

Another good memory was when Ken, Roger and me went camping by the river at Calver. We never dreamed of asking the landowners permission, though as it happened we weren't there long enough for him to come across us. We had just put a big pan of potatoes on the fire to boil, when there was an almighty crash of thunder and the heavens opened. It battered our makeshift tent down and flooded us out. Everything was soaked through, so we packed up and came home. When we got back to Sheffield, we found that large parts of the city had been without power due to the storm. I remember that Ken was bitterly disappointed that we had to cut the trip short, and we promised that we'd have another bash. We never did though.

I've got a photo of us all later that Summer at Roger's sixteenth birthday party, it shows a very happy group of lads and lasses. Golden days!

Once again very sad to hear he's gone. I remember him fondly as a very pleasant, easygoing happy lad.

R. I. P. Ken. 

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Thorpy  ....     It was nice to hear about your exploits,    Ken told me all these things,  he could always tell a good tale.

Wasn't it Roger Walker who always had a pot on his arm?

Ken was a rebel right to the end,   we only found out five weeks ago that he had cancer but he said he was going to cause as much trouble as possible before he went.            And he did.                But that's another story.

Nice that he's remembered.


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Yes that's Roger, if he hadn't got a pot on one arm or the other, he was sporting some stitches either on his forehead or his leg!

I still see quite a bit of Roger, and I need to give him a ring and let him know about Ken. I know he will be very sorry to hear that he's passed away. I'll also let David Vardy know, as he too knew Ken very well. They both carried on at Sharrow Lane with Ken after I left so they will no doubt have some memories of him from then.

I remember going with Ken and Roger and some girls to a bonfire and barbecue in the grounds of the old Blind School on Sharrow Lane. I can't recall whether it was organised by the Sharrow St. Johns scouts. Maybe Ken had connections there?

I'm pleased to hear he kept his fighting spirit!

Yes he is very well remembered.

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On 24/08/2019 at 17:21, DavidFrance said:

I wonder if David Vardy would like to come to the next reunion in November?


I'll certainly ask him. He lives in Leigh, Lancashire now and has some health issues.

I know that he would love to come along.He can stay at our house as he usually does. It's not an easy journey for him these days and my wife and I usually go over to Leigh to see David and Monica.

We have been close friends all our lives since being very small boys and living on the same street. We were best man for each other and God parents to each other's children.

I'll see what I can do!

On 24/08/2019 at 20:41, lovelace said:

KEN WINTERBOTTOM's  funeral is on Wednesday 4th September at 11.45 at Rotherham Crematorium,    then afterwards at The Tabard on Herringthorpe Valley Road.

I'm sorry I cannot come to Ken's funeral, as it my Sister's funeral on September 4th at 11.15 at Hutcliffe Wood Crematorium.

I'll pass the word on though.

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