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Tories Plan To Raise The State Pension Age To 75

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On 18/08/2019 at 10:13, iansheff said:



The Government are planning to raise the pension age to 75 over the next 16 years, this is based on a think tanks finding chaired by Ian Duncan Smith. This man must hate the thought of people having a decent lifestyle, look what he did with the DWP and now he wants people to work to 75.  This will make a lot more money for the Government as a lot of people will surely die before they reach 75. I feel sorry for the younger generation that will be working and have to work on till they are 75, especially as a lot of jobs will not be able to be done by people that age.




I wonder how many people actually bothered to read the actual report from the think tank?





Removing barriers for older people to remain in work has the potential to contribute greatly to the health of individuals and the affordability of public services. Therefore, this paper argues for significant improvements in the support for older workers. This includes improved healthcare support, increased access to flexible working, better opportunities for training, an employer-led Mid-Life MOT and the implementation of an ‘Age Confident’ scheme. As we prepare for the future, we must prioritise increasing the opportunity to work for this demographic to reduce involuntary worklessness. For the vulnerable and marginalised, a job offers the first step away from state dependence, social marginalisation and personal destitution. In addition, provided that this support is in place, we propose an increase in the State Pension Age to 75 by 2035. While this might seem contrary to a long-standing compassionate attitude to an older generation that have paid their way in the world and deserve to be looked after, we do not believe it should be. Working longer has the potential to improve health and wellbeing, increase retirement savings and ensure the full functioning of public services for all.

It only argues an increase in retirement age if the system is there to support better healthcare, flexible working and being able to retrain to do a job that you can do as you get older.


Reading this thread you'd think we all work down the mines and will be broken husks come retirement age.

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Interesting article about retirement:


Why we lie about being retired




While retirement might start off in a blaze of well-deserved relaxation the novelty can soon wear off.


Work is so fundamental to the good life," 


"Work is the main source of a meaningful existence for most people. A mother or dad might be occupied bringing up children for a couple of decades but that doesn't last forever.


"For almost everybody work is essential to play a role in the discovery of new things.


"The world of work is a dynamic place and it's a fantastic place for testing yourself and showing what you can do, achieving and discovering and exploring, all of that goes on in the wonderland of work."


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