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What Would You Like To See Change In Our City?

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4 minutes ago, ormester said:

your deluded planner 

Ignoring the obviously faulty Englandish.


He’s really not deluded. I visit cities all over the place to see live music and live theatre. The cost of parking never enters my head when buying tickets. I doubt that I’m alone in not being deterred by paying a few pounds to park my car.


In any case, Sheffield’s parking is good. It is cheaper and easier than Manchester, Leeds or Birmingham, in my experience 

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5 hours ago, FinBak said:

Call me a stick in the mud and whatever you like...I simply will not be cornered into paying car parking charges.


Businesses in the City will NOT get my money.


Take the Bus one said?..


Costs more...and Yeah,   pollute the city with yet MORE Diesel fumes to boot?


No ta.


I doubt they care.


If you are some arrogant, deluded and self-important type who whines about a lack of free parking in the middle of a busy city centre - I doubt you're going to be a major contributor to profits in any event.


Town prices might have given you a heart attack.  

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Guest makapaka
13 hours ago, FinBak said:

Depends on WHAT car you drive into town.


One of My cars has next to ZERO emissions...!








So your answer is free parking,  no buses and everyone to drive zero emission cars into the town centre to park.


 nearly everyone will need a new vehicle to meet the emission requirements.


we’ll need a lot more car parks, also probably some new infrastructure to cope with the additional traffic and I would imagine a complex traffic plan/strategy to get all these cars in and out of the city centre and parked.


there’ll be no revenue to pay for all this additional work by the way because parking will be free.


then if you can’t drive I presume people will just have to walk or cycle whilst carrying whatever they’ve bought from town there and back - and anyone who works in town will have to set off an hour two early for work and get home much later.


All of this is going to make visiting town more popular than having to pay a couple of quid parking?


Come on.

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4 hours ago, makapaka said:

there’ll be no revenue to pay for all this additional work by the way because parking will be free.


It might be worse than that.


The income from parking currently covers all costs and returns a surplus. The surplus is used to part fund the Amey maintenance contract.


If the income stream was much reduced because parking  was free, its entirely possible that other services might need to be cut to continue to fund parking services enforcement activities (the service costs circa £4m per annum to run) and the money that goes into the Amey contract would need to be found elsewhere, presumably by cutting other council activities.

19 hours ago, FinBak said:


Take the Bus one said?..


Costs more...and Yeah,   pollute the city with yet MORE Diesel fumes to boot?


No ta.





How is using a bus service  that already runs going to generate more fumes? Carrying the odd extra passenger isn't going to make any appreciable difference.

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There are areas I don’t go to in town, because they are dirty, dingy and with unpleasant people who put me on edge. People who are on drugs, drinking on park benches, groups of yoofs watching and waiting for an opportunity. There are places  I enjoy going to in town where I feel safe and it’s clean. 

So I suppose I’d clean and repair the run down areas, and put more police/security/PCSO’s around. I’m not sure if  there’s a solution though tbh. 

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What would I like to see?

I'd like to see Sheffield think not one but two steps ahead.

People can carry on the comparisons to Leeds and Manchester (who themselves want to be Mini-Londons) but it's pointless playing catch-up in that race.

We've lost. Expending energy to mimic those cities is a waste of energy.

No, we need to look forward and build on the resources and talent we already have.

Traditional retail is dying and what remains will carry on at Meadowhall.

So I say accept that, develop the east end for traditional and warehouse retailing with Meadowhall anchoring that and attracting visitors from all over the region.

As for the centre, people still want to be social and get out.

This is where we look at the resources on our doorstep.

Sheffield has real talent in the art and independent scene. I feel it a lot more here than in those other two cities. 

So, make the city centre a hub for indy bars, restaurants, cafés, shops and our incredible music scene.

Celebrate our indigenous talent and make it affordable for them to trade there and showcase their talents.

Continue to develop green spaces like we have been doing.

It's an old town/new town idea, which we kind of are already. We just don't want to accept it. But we should. East end & Meadowhall as the 'New Town' for whatever future retail will be and the city centre as the 'Old Town' for social and leisure.

As I said at the start, this isn't just a one step ahead but two.

Instead of playing catch-up with Leeds and Manchester let's not play their game and start planning for what happens when traditional retail really does die off.

We can be pioneers here and get ahead of the game when the time comes where Leeds and Manchester are fighting over the last bones.

Instead, we will have planned well in advance and used our own people and talent to do it.

A pipe dream? Maybe. Probably.

But the OP did ask!

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Guest makapaka
7 hours ago, Mr. Johnson said:

What would I like to see?

I'd like to see Sheffield think not one but two steps ahead.

People can carry on the comparisons to Leeds and Manchester (who themselves want to be Mini-Londons) but it's pointless playing catch-up in that race.

We've lost. Expending energy to mimic those cities is a waste of energy.

No, we need to look forward and build on the resources and talent we already have.

Traditional retail is dying and what remains will carry on at Meadowhall.

So I say accept that, develop the east end for traditional and warehouse retailing with Meadowhall anchoring that and attracting visitors from all over the region.

As for the centre, people still want to be social and get out.

This is where we look at the resources on our doorstep.

Sheffield has real talent in the art and independent scene. I feel it a lot more here than in those other two cities. 

So, make the city centre a hub for indy bars, restaurants, cafés, shops and our incredible music scene.

Celebrate our indigenous talent and make it affordable for them to trade there and showcase their talents.

Continue to develop green spaces like we have been doing.

It's an old town/new town idea, which we kind of are already. We just don't want to accept it. But we should. East end & Meadowhall as the 'New Town' for whatever future retail will be and the city centre as the 'Old Town' for social and leisure.

As I said at the start, this isn't just a one step ahead but two.

Instead of playing catch-up with Leeds and Manchester let's not play their game and start planning for what happens when traditional retail really does die off.

We can be pioneers here and get ahead of the game when the time comes where Leeds and Manchester are fighting over the last bones.

Instead, we will have planned well in advance and used our own people and talent to do it.

A pipe dream? Maybe. Probably.

But the OP did ask!

Fantastic post - well done youth.

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I would like to see more localised recycling sites around Sheffield, there are not enough of them and too far for those without a car.  Going around other countries and cities, public toilets are a sign of wealth or degeneration and Sheffield has degenerated in this field.

I would also like to see parking permits for all street parked vehicles.

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