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What Would You Like To See Change In Our City?

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On 15/09/2019 at 18:26, stewybill said:

The attitude some “haves” hold towards all “have nots”.

I see it more as despair on the part of those of us who were brought up to respect other people (even if you didn't actually like them) at the behaviour of those bottom feeders who clearly have no respect for anyone, their property, or their right to enjoy peace and quiet at home.

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you only have to look at the fargate area,empty shops ,although there is a few nice ones and when you see £1 like shops selleing cheapo tee shirts for a quid,how do they pay the rates ,never mind the rent,the rest of the time its a funfair area,or log cabins,the old market areas a mess,the new markets half empty,time for a change of people in the town hall

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On 08/09/2019 at 15:18, Mr. Johnson said:

What would I like to see?

I'd like to see Sheffield think not one but two steps ahead.

People can carry on the comparisons to Leeds and Manchester (who themselves want to be Mini-Londons) but it's pointless playing catch-up in that race.

We've lost. Expending energy to mimic those cities is a waste of energy.

No, we need to look forward and build on the resources and talent we already have.

Traditional retail is dying and what remains will carry on at Meadowhall.

So I say accept that, develop the east end for traditional and warehouse retailing with Meadowhall anchoring that and attracting visitors from all over the region.

As for the centre, people still want to be social and get out.

This is where we look at the resources on our doorstep.

Sheffield has real talent in the art and independent scene. I feel it a lot more here than in those other two cities. 

So, make the city centre a hub for indy bars, restaurants, cafés, shops and our incredible music scene.

Celebrate our indigenous talent and make it affordable for them to trade there and showcase their talents.

Continue to develop green spaces like we have been doing.

It's an old town/new town idea, which we kind of are already. We just don't want to accept it. But we should. East end & Meadowhall as the 'New Town' for whatever future retail will be and the city centre as the 'Old Town' for social and leisure.

As I said at the start, this isn't just a one step ahead but two.

Instead of playing catch-up with Leeds and Manchester let's not play their game and start planning for what happens when traditional retail really does die off.

We can be pioneers here and get ahead of the game when the time comes where Leeds and Manchester are fighting over the last bones.

Instead, we will have planned well in advance and used our own people and talent to do it.

A pipe dream? Maybe. Probably.

But the OP did ask!

Mr Johnson for mayor - hang on, that sounds familiar somehow... :D

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  • 5 months later...

The council would rather allow the destruction of our old buildings including old factories, there’s no Tourist Information Office, they are not concerned about what Sheffield has contributed to the world.

Edited by lazarus
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2 hours ago, lazarus said:

The council would rather allow the destruction of our old buildings including old factories, there’s no Tourist Information Office, they are not concerned about what Sheffield has contributed to the world.

Ask yourself who owns these buildings and then re-direct your ire at them. The council is bound by planning law.

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