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Amazon Rain Forest

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Forgive me if this has already been started, but I couldn't see an existing thread on it.


Are global powers being hard enough on Brazil for allowing / encouraging the deforestation of the Amazon, the clearing of the rain forest for farm land is the catalyst for these fires.


I'm all for allowing a country to dictate its own fate, and when I see western powers get involved in eastern conflicts with the argument of fighting terror etc it sits a little uneasy with me.


We see it quite regularly where countries are invaded, or rebel groups are armed with western money with the aim of overthrowing a countries current ruling , the argument is again fighting terror or removing a dictatorship. Those efforts may provide relief for the country or prevent a handful of terrorist attacks around the world.

If we believe what we read about that Amazon this could literally affect billions of people globally, should the world be rolling tanks into Brazil to overthrow their current ruling that is allowing this?



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9 hours ago, Pettytom said:

Given that we’ve already done our deforestation and benefitted economically from it, maybe we should think twice about the tank option. 


If if the rain forest is so important for the world, maybe the whole world should pay for it.

Other countries (like Norway) were paying for it. They’re less inclined to now as it’s continually being destroyed regardless. 

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30 minutes ago, Robin-H said:

Other countries (like Norway) were paying for it. They’re less inclined to now as it’s continually being destroyed regardless. 

It’s very true that dealing with Bolsanaro is risky, but surely we can think of a better way to persuade Brazil to look after the rain forest than force, or economic  pressure.


We could go all out with economic sanctions, or we could recognise that it is a highly complex problem which needs a sophisticated, long term solution.


It is the long term bit that’s the problem, most of our politicians have a time horizon which ends at their next election. 

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10 hours ago, Pettytom said:

If if the rain forest is so important for the world, maybe the whole world should pay for it.

I feel it is worth paying to save the rain forest. The rain forest could help to save us if we are not too late. 

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some of the closeup images i've seen shows already cleared land burning.  In both SE Asia and South America fire is used to burn off previous crops in cleared land within rain forests to prepare for the next planting.  Pristine rain forest is pretty much carbon neutral with new growth offset by emissions from rotting vegetation, but the rapid clearing of forest and the burning of cleared land produces a huge amount of CO2.  
Why are they clearing the rain forest?  The simple answer is that there are just too many people in the world and as the population increases the environment will suffer until nature's solution to overpopulation kicks in.  We have managed to feed most of the world through the destruction of natural ecology, monoculture and the immense input of fossil fuel energy. In this universe there is no such thing as a free lunch and in due course we will pay the penalty

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16 hours ago, Pettytom said:

Given that we’ve already done our deforestation and benefitted economically from it, maybe we should think twice about the tank option. 


If the rain forest is so important for the world, maybe the whole world should pay for it.

Trump would like to buy Greenland, but not the rain forest!


I recall a scheme in the past, maybe WWF where you could buy a part of it. Maybe just a scam.

I would gladly put £1,000 towards buying/saving a forest, perhaps it would be cheaper to plant a new one?

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16 minutes ago, El Cid said:

Trump would like to buy Greenland, but not the rain forest!


I recall a scheme in the past, maybe WWF where you could buy a part of it. Maybe just a scam.

I would gladly put £1,000 towards buying/saving a forest, perhaps it would be cheaper to plant a new one?

If I remember my geography lessons you can't. Forest can encroach back in round the edges but the ground in the middle of these cattle farms gets barren very quickly which is why the farmers find another patch of forest and slash and burn that, and why swathes of the Amazon basin are effectively desert.

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I've been of the opinion for several years that we are living through the beginning of the beginning of the end times - this large scale burning of the amazon just confirms that belief. I'm glad I was born in 1967 and not any later. I fear for my children - and theirs if they have any.

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