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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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1 minute ago, RJRB said:

Once again we have the phrase “not as bad”.

Just give us a little bit of good news on the lines of what is to be better than the status quo.

It won’t be any worse than WW2. 


Stop worrying your your little snowflake mind about it.


Trust Boris, and stockpile some food and meds.

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A lot of small bands and musicians out there are going to suffer :(



Workers rights under a no deal scenario, the TUCs view



just for those hard of thinking, and still believe the anti EU lies trotted out

How does membership of the EU protect workers’ rights?

At the moment, vital protections like paid holidays, rights for part time workers, time off for working mums and dads, equal pay for women and limits on workings hours make life better for millions of people up and down the UK, and they are all guaranteed in EU law.

This means that the UK government can’t simply decide to take them away and all employers must adhere to them.

In addition to the rights themselves, workers also benefit from being able to take cases to the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Courts in the UK also apply the reasoning used in decisions of the European court, which often helps to make sure that laws are kept up to date.

For example, decisions of the court have meant that women have equal access to pensions and have removed the limit on compensation for discrimination.

While we are members of the EU, trade unions can ask the European Commission to bring action against the UK government when it isn’t complying with its obligations towards working people.

In the past, this has resulted in important changes to the ways in which employers must treat people during a redundancy process.

Edited by melthebell
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7 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

You clearly have been to led to believe that  proroguing Parliament is an abuse of power.  

It is, if the purpose is solely to prevent an elected Parliament from trying to prevent a government attempt to do something which will do so much damage to the nation.


The fact that you seem happy to watch Johnson and his cabinet lining up to tell bare-faced lies about the true purpose of this measure, does you no credit whatsoever and just gives credence to the theory that many Leave supporters are desperate extremists prepared to do anything to get their way.

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Proroguing Parliament would be undemocratic...




What else would we expect from our lying (he has admitted this himself) cheating (ask his wife) misogynist (ask his staff) dictator (ask the UK).


Famous lies of his time;

he was fired from The Times for inventing a quote

Within months of starting a job at Times, which he got through family connections, he was sacked.

In his first front page story, he invented a quote from an academic. The academic, who happened to be Johnson’s own godfather, complained.

Instead of apologising then, Johnson wrote a further story saying the “mystery had deepened”.

He was sacked by the Times but, through knowing its editor from Oxford, got a job at the Telegraph.


he was sacked from the Tory front bench for lying about an affair.

Johnson denied having an affair with journalist Petronella Wyatt, saying: “I have not had an affair with Petronella. It is complete balderdash.”

However, Wyatt and her mother said the affair did happen and she had to have an abortion as a result.

A spin doctor to the then Tory leader Michael Howard decided Johnson had lied to them and sacked him from his role as party vice chair and shadow arts minister.



And the beleavers want this guy to take us into the promised land?

They are setting the moral and the ethical bar high aren't they - NOT!

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

It is, if the purpose is solely to prevent an elected Parliament from trying to prevent a government attempt to do something which will do so much damage to the nation.


The fact that you seem happy to watch Johnson and his cabinet lining up to tell bare-faced lies about the true purpose of this measure, does you no credit whatsoever and just gives credence to the theory that many Leave supporters are desperate extremists prepared to do anything to get their way.

The fact that Parliament hasn't been prorogued until 1st November is evidence to support Boris Johnson's government  is aiming  to leave the EU with some kind or deal or managed exit.  I am happy for our Government to continue to aim for a deal and have no concerns if a positive move by our Government means the Brexit blockers in Parliament have less time to try to sabotage Brexit negotiations. I voted to remain but I am now a leave supporter because unlike you I respect democracy.


Your own theories are just as comedic as your own 2016 democratic EU referendum result statistic where you fail to acknowledge Leave won a clear majority and were the winners of that democratic vote.

Edited by Lockdoctor
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15 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

The fact that Parliament hasn't been prorogued until 1st November is evidence to support Boris Johnson's government  is aiming  to leave the EU with some kind or deal or managed exit.  I am happy for our Government to continue to aim for a deal and have no concerns if a positive move by our Government means the Brexit blockers in Parliament have less time to try to sabotage Brexit negotiations. I voted to remain but I am now a leave supporter because unlike you I respect democracy.


Your own theories are just as comedic as your own 2016 democratic EU referendum result statistic where you fail to acknowledge Leave won a clear majority and were the winners of that democratic vote.

Blah blah blah - leave's very own deity said of it is a 48/52 result then it is far from over - no one complained then, so don't complain now.


Democracy is about being able to change your mind - many people in the UK want the option to validate what is being proposed for the future of the UK - we weren't given the chance before.


Anything else is anti-democratic but I guess that's what we expect from the racist, lying (he has admitted this himself) cheating (ask his wife) misogynist (ask his staff) dictator (ask the UK) and his supporters.

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2 minutes ago, Litotes said:

Blah blah blah - leave's very own deity said of it is a 48/52 result then it is far from over - no one complained then, so don't complain now.


Democracy is about being able to change your mind - many people in the UK want the option to validate what is being proposed for the future of the UK - we weren't given the chance before.


Anything else is anti-democratic but I guess that's what we expect from the racist, lying (he has admitted this himself) cheating (ask his wife) misogynist (ask his staff) dictator (ask the UK) and his supporters.

Change the record. Grow up and respect the democratic wishes of the majority rather than what you personally wanted.  The democratic referendum result will be implemented on 31st October with or without a deal because the Brexit blockers in Parliament will be defeated.  We all should be supporting Boris Johnson's attempt to get a deal or managed exit from the EU regardless of how we personally voted in the democratic 2016 EU referendum.

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8 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

We all should be supporting Boris Johnson's attempt to get a deal or managed exit

We've been offered a managed exit (maintaining all the trade benefits of the single market), with a fast tracked Canada style trade deal.


We said no.


We're in this pickle (partly) because of Johnson's lies and ego.


And you think I should back him?


Unless we're still pretending that leaving will be a success, why cheer on this self inflicted damage?

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11 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

Change the record. Grow up and respect the democratic wishes of the majority rather than what you personally wanted.  The democratic referendum result will be implemented on 31st October with or without a deal because the Brexit blockers in Parliament will be defeated.  We all should be supporting Boris Johnson's attempt to get a deal or managed exit from the EU regardless of how we personally voted in the democratic 2016 EU referendum.

No we shouldn't if you don't believe in it - you should be trying to return democracy to the UK.


Just because the shouty party supports something, it doesn't mean that everyone should when what is being supported will create increased poverty, violence and class divide in the UK.


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