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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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53 minutes ago, Dardandec said:

All of us?


After we leave, your race to the bottom will get a little more interesting when you find there are suddenly a few more levels to go.

The Brussels Patriarchy has NO PLACE in a UK that has finally cast off the last vestiges of its British Empire identity.

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Just now, Car Boot said:

The Brussels Patriarchy has NO PLACE in a UK that has finally cast off the last vestiges of its British Empire identity.

Have the Tories signed up to casting off vestiges of the British Empire? Seems to me Rees-Mogg and his ilk would welcome it back at the drop of a hat.


But in your many posts you attack anyone but the Tories.



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So now the EU is considering legal action against the UK as we have not recommended anyone for the UK Commissioner post. 


As was stated on the BBC's  Brexit podcast we are compelled to appoint someone & the reason we have to, should be writ large & hung from banners across the Palace of Westminster & all town halls because;


"EU law trumps UK law." 




Edited by Baron99
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5 hours ago, Baron99 said:

So now the EU is considering legal action against the UK as we have not recommended anyone for the UK Commissioner post. 


As was stated on the BBC's  Brexit podcast we are compelled to appoint someone & the reason we have to, should be writ large & hung from banners across the Palace of Westminster & all town halls because;


"EU law trumps UK law." 






The UK is compelled to nominate a Commissioner by the EU rules, to which it willingly signed up, because the UK has yet to leave the club. The rule is quite simple: 1 Commissioner per member state, nominated by that state's government whenever the Commission needs renewing.


That the UK has yet to leave the club, is the UK's sole and entire fault: since November 2018, the EU has been ready and willing to sign on 3 deals so far.


Should I also mention the UK pledge, only just two weeks ago again, that it would not do anything to impede the good functioning of the EU?


A pledge which, by refusing to nominate a Commissioner, the UK has now trampled, for the net political gain of absolutely nothing (but haemorraging some more goodwill and some more of its standing in the world, and now some more taxpayers' money in yet-another-set-of-wholly-avoidable legal proceedings).


Now, since you're so worked up about the UK getting sued for breach of contract...what do you make of Australia, Brazil and a dozen others getting ready to sue the UK for "Brexit trade compensation" at the WTO?


When are you leaving the WTO, then?

Edited by L00b
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16 hours ago, Car Boot said:

We all just want to Get Brexit Done.

at least 16million people don't.


and those that voted to leave, fall over themselves in a rush to condemn any and all deliverable options.


let's be gracious, and suggest there are 4 distinct options all wrapped up in 'leave' :

1) Norway

2) Canada

3) WTO

4) i honestly thought remain would win,


which one would get close to 16million votes?

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8 hours ago, L00b said:



The UK is compelled to nominate a Commissioner by the EU rules, to which it willingly signed up, because the UK has yet to leave the club. The rule is quite simple: 1 Commissioner per member state, nominated by that state's government whenever the Commission needs renewing.


That the UK has yet to leave the club, is the UK's sole and entire fault: since November 2018, the EU has been ready and willing to sign on 3 deals so far.


Should I also mention the UK pledge, only just two weeks ago again, that it would not do anything to impede the good functioning of the EU?


A pledge which, by refusing to nominate a Commissioner, the UK has now trampled, for the net political gain of absolutely nothing (but haemorraging some more goodwill and some more of its standing in the world, and now some more taxpayers' money in yet-another-set-of-wholly-avoidable legal proceedings).


Now, since you're so worked up about the UK getting sued for breach of contract...what do you make of Australia, Brazil and a dozen others getting ready to sue the UK for "Brexit trade compensation" at the WTO?


When are you leaving the WTO, then?

Since you are sending out false news can we ignore what you say,


Countries including Australia have asked for trade compensation from the UK and the EU over Brexit disruption.


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24 minutes ago, retep said:

Since you are sending out false news can we ignore what you say,


Countries including Australia have asked for trade compensation from the UK and the EU over Brexit disruption.


When you’ve swept the mountain of manure before your own front door, then you can try and call me out about ‘fake news’.


Until then, you can remain as irrelevant as ever.



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6 minutes ago, L00b said:

When you’ve swept the mountain of manure before your own front door, then you can try and call me out about ‘fake news’.


Until then, you can remain as irrelevant as ever.



The EU is taking some shifting.

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