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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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Apparently after Brexit we'll have more power to determine who the richest football teams in the world employ. Only Brazilian, Argentinian, African and Good Old Brits...none of these rubbish European types with their dodgy foriegn ways.


So says Tory Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay. Winner of the Grayling award this week.


PS...if you believe this man, you are very, very, very stupid

Edited by taxman
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24 minutes ago, taxman said:

Apparently after Brexit we'll have more power to determine who the richest football teams in the world employ. Only Brazilian, Argentinian, African and Good Old Brits...none of these rubbish European types with their dodgy foriegn ways.


So says Tory Brexit Secretary Steve Barclay. Winner of the Grayling award this week.


PS...if you believe this man, you are very, very, very stupid

Jeremy will promise everyone in the UK free tickets to every match.

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22 hours ago, apelike said:

Glad to see you are now acknowledging that we will leave...

We are leaving, and always have been, that's why the 2016 referendum has been carried out. You know, Brexit is a bit like an old sign that used to be up behind the bar of my local about thirty years ago which read "Free Beer Tomorrow". Brexit in a nutshell, tomorrow never comes, it's always today. 😉

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On 15/11/2019 at 05:24, Baron99 said:

So now the EU is considering legal action against the UK as we have not recommended anyone for the UK Commissioner post. 


As was stated on the BBC's  Brexit podcast we are compelled to appoint someone & the reason we have to, should be writ large & hung from banners across the Palace of Westminster & all town halls because;


"EU law trumps UK law." 




The UK should not cooperate with the pro-austerity Brussels Patriarchy until it permits us to Leave. 


French Commissioner-designate Thierry Breton has been approved as EU Commissioner for the Internal Market portfolio.


A man who has dedicated his life to imposing economic austerity on the very poorest in society. He has damaged and destroyed the lives of the sick, disabled and the unemployed here in the UK. Until very recently he was the Chairman and CEO of Atos, which designed and runs the UK's Work Capability Assessments. Nearly 90 people a month are dying after being declared fit for work by Atos. Being terminally ill is no barrier to employment, according to the new EU Commissioner.


Breton was quizzed on his possible conflicts of interests, including the shares worth around €35 million that he owned with Atos, as former CEO.


“I sold all my shares”, Breton told MEPs.


Nice people these extremely rich, pro-austerity EU Commissioner's.


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6 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

The UK should not cooperate with the pro-austerity Brussels Patriarchy until it permits us to Leave. 


French Commissioner-designate Thierry Breton has been approved as EU Commissioner for the Internal Market portfolio.


A man who has dedicated his life to imposing economic austerity on the very poorest in society. He has damaged and destroyed the lives of the sick, disabled and the unemployed here in the UK. Until very recently he was the Chairman and CEO of Atos, which designed and runs the UK's Work Capability Assessments. Nearly 90 people a month are dying after being declared fit for work by Atos. Being terminally ill is no barrier to employment, according to the new EU Commissioner.


Breton was quizzed on his possible conflicts of interests, including the shares worth around €35 million that he owned with Atos, as former CEO.


“I sold all my shares”, Breton told MEPs.


Nice people these extremely rich, pro-austerity EU Commissioner's.


It’s not a matter of cooperation. It’s a matter of LAW. You don’t get asked to cooperate with abiding by the LAW. You have to follow it. You would have thought Johnson would have learnt his lesson at the Supreme Court. As a result, we will be due to pay a ridiculous fine for not following the LAW. That money could have been spent on the NHS. Remember the bus?

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1 hour ago, Albert the Cat said:

It’s not a matter of cooperation. It’s a matter of LAW. You don’t get asked to cooperate with abiding by the LAW. You have to follow it. You would have thought Johnson would have learnt his lesson at the Supreme Court. As a result, we will be due to pay a ridiculous fine for not following the LAW. That money could have been spent on the NHS. Remember the bus?

There should be no cooperation with pro-austerity organisations that persecute and help to kill the poor. The EU is one such organisation. No money should be paid to such an organisation. 


Smash the neoliberal EU. By any means necessary.

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1 hour ago, Car Boot said:

There should be no cooperation with pro-austerity organisations that persecute and help to kill the poor. The EU is one such organisation. No money should be paid to such an organisation. 


Smash the neoliberal EU. By any means necessary.

Do you understand what the law is?


If you don’t understand what it means to have laws then you need some serious educating. 

Edited by Albert the Cat
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5 hours ago, Car Boot said:

There should be no cooperation with pro-austerity organisations that persecute and help to kill the poor. The EU is one such organisation. No money should be paid to such an organisation. 


Smash the neoliberal EU. By any means necessary.

Tory austerity politics kill the poor - you've mixed the EU up with them again.

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