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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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If somebody has asked this before, I apologise, (I haven't been particularly following this thread,) but could someone tell me if their is any truth in the rumour that the EU is going to have its own army, and are we going to have to accept the Euro eventually? Or are these just propoganda?


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14 hours ago, taxman said:

But you don't mind voting for food banks, continuing attacks on the NHS and a border in the Irish Sea? How odd.

Who said I didn't mind?  Of course I mind.  That's why I feel even more betrayed by Corbyn.

13 hours ago, L00b said:

How so? Are all "traditional Labour voters" also Leave voters now?


Or just you?


Edit: judging from all the other polls that have followed  the debate last night (i.e. those polls studiously ignored by the BBC and ITV, aside from the YouGov one giving a 49/51 split between Johnson amd Corbyn for voting intentions), I really wouldn't worry about the notion of "people being deterred from voting Labour". Because clearly, they're not. You might wish to reflect a bit on your proposed Tory vote instead, when so many non-Labour voters are apparently far more deterred from voting Tory! :D

Did I say all?  But I'm afraid there are a lot more besides me.


And as for polls....

Edited by Lex Luthor
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6 hours ago, Anna B said:

If somebody has asked this before, I apologise, (I haven't been particularly following this thread,) but could someone tell me if their is any truth in the rumour that the EU is going to have its own army, and are we going to have to accept the Euro eventually? Or are these just propoganda?


If we leave and rejoin we prolly will have adopt the Euro, our best deal is the one we have now, where we can say no to things


As for the army


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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

If we leave and rejoin we prolly will have adopt the Euro, our best deal is the one we have now, where we can say no to things


As for the army


So the EU is becoming militarised and will have its own army. Thanks for confirming this. 


"An EU army is a dangerous fantasy".

A dangerous fantasy that dangerous people are making a reality.


Historically, the EU did not fund military activities or research - but this has all changed. The EU is no longer a 'project of peace'. The EU is now a war profiteer.


The European Defence Fund fund commits €13 billion between 2021-2027 to the collective research and development of “cutting-edge” weapons and military technology. These weapons will be used in conflicts worldwide, legally and illegally.


The EU - making the world a more dangerous place to enrich the few.

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8 hours ago, Anna B said:

If somebody has asked this before, I apologise, (I haven't been particularly following this thread,) but could someone tell me if their is any truth in the rumour that the EU is going to have its own army, and are we going to have to accept the Euro eventually? Or are these just propoganda?


Whilever EU member states each retain a veto in EU matters, the EU will not have its own Army. So, no EU Army for decades yet,  and in the meantime, plenty of bilateral and multilateral task forces between EU member states, as have existed for decades already, and which EU membership greatly facilitates (from an admin point of view).


The Euro: no, the UK has a specific and binding opt-out. But, and of course, this opt-out expires on Brexit day (it ceases to exist at the same time as the UK's EU membership),  like all the other bespoke bits of EU membership which the UK currently enjoys (rebate, no Schengen, no this, no that, etc) and which, collectively, make the UK's current membership the absolute best (in costs/benefits terms) relative to all the other EU member states.


So, to all the Leavers who want to see the "will of the people" enacted  and the UK Brexit first, for the people to then decide again whether they want to rejoin: yes please, anytime you're ready :twisted:


Because if you do decide to rejoin in X years' time, there won't be a bespoke membership deal on the table, no more than there is a bespoke FTA on offer now or in the future: you'll have no choice about the € or Schengen (because they are membership red lines under the TEU) and you won't get any rebate nor other à la carte opt-ins or opt-outs (other EU member states will just veto your (re-)accession otherwise).


Choose wisely ;) ...


(...again: unless I am mistaken, this is not the first time that you've raised these Farage-esque dog whistles in the past 3+ years, and I -and others- have replied to you :))

Edited by L00b
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3 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

So the EU is becoming militarised and will have its own army. Thanks for confirming this. 


"An EU army is a dangerous fantasy".

A dangerous fantasy that dangerous people are making a reality.


Historically, the EU did not fund military activities or research - but this has all changed. The EU is no longer a 'project of peace'. The EU is now a war profiteer.


The European Defence Fund fund commits €13 billion between 2021-2027 to the collective research and development of “cutting-edge” weapons and military technology. These weapons will be used in conflicts worldwide, legally and illegally.


The EU - making the world a more dangerous place to enrich the few.

How do you get "So the EU is becoming militarised and will have its own army. Thanks for confirming this. " from an article that clearly states  "There are no formal plans in place for an EU army"


The mind boggles.


As for the Euro, no - the UK and Denmark have opted out of the Euro and would not be obliged to join (despite all the rubbish written on the Internet about the Lisbon treaty and so on)



Of course, all bets are off if we leave and then decide to rejoin later on.

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The UK will never accept membership of the failed Euro experiment. FACT.


Once we Leave, we Leave for good.


For the political establishment would only be able to take us back in, and force us to give up control of our currency and adopt the Euro, by imposing a military dictatorship. An EU military dictatorship.


NO to EU militarisation. NO to an EU army.

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6 hours ago, Lex Luthor said:

Did I say all?  But I'm afraid there are a lot more besides me.

You did not write 'some', so how else should a reader understand your expression 'traditional Labour voters' in your post, than referring to all of them? 


Still, you're right to be afraid. Brexit under the Conservatives, after their record of governance of the past 9 years...hey, go get the governance you deserve :thumbsup:

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Why does the EU need a €13bn defence fund? It should be waging peace






The EU is heavily moving towards militarisation and powerful people greatly desire an EU army to compliment it's spending on weapons of war.


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