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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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18 hours ago, Car Boot said:

An upside of Brexit is that we can  reject the EU treaties that curtail democracy, encourage social dumping and demand privatisation. The EU has provided a framework in which the larger European capitalists can better pursue their interests at the expense of member states sovereignty and democracy.


Another upside is that those who decide our laws and taxes should be able to be removed by the electorate - membership of the EU does not allow this. 

So no facts then.

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11 hours ago, Obelix said:

I've news for you. The Commission is elected.


Unlike the British Civil Service. They are not elected but you want them in charge. Most irregular and inconsistent of you.

The EU Commission President and the individual Commissioners are not directly elected by the Peoples of Europe. The Peoples of Europe have no power to either elect or sack the Commission at an election.


The Peoples of Europe deserve so much better than this. Don't you agree? 




8 hours ago, Obelix said:

Did you miss the European Parliment elections recently or something?

I missed the  bit about electing the EU Commission President. Where on the ballot paper was it? I didn't see it on mine.

Edited by Car Boot
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1 hour ago, Car Boot said:

The EU Commission President and the individual Commissioners are not directly elected by the Peoples of Europe. The Peoples of Europe have no power to either elect or sack the Commission at an election.


The Peoples of Europe deserve so much better than this. Don't you agree? 




I missed the  bit about electing the EU Commission President. Where on the ballot paper was it? I didn't see it on mine.

There are a great deal of people in the Civil Service that are not elected. Don't you think that the people of the UK deserve better than this and to have the chance to vote for these mandarins that make our laws?


You were never voted in either, but still we put up with you.


Why do you want to vote in the comm... oh you don't. you never do. You just want to revolt against. whatever because you are an anarchist and rebel without a cause or clue.

1 hour ago, Car Boot said:

Which bits did you disagree with?

Everything you said usually.

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1 hour ago, Car Boot said:

Which bits did you disagree with?

The bit with the facts.


Oh there were no facts  - so all your fancy words were not answering the question.


We have quite clear facts on the downsides of the Suicide Pact called Brexit, but no clear facts on the upside.


But as an armchair socialist in your mansion you won't worry about that

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Watching QT last night it was a no contest between the two Brexit factions.The Economist editor Zanny Minton Beddowes,rightly destroyed and dismissed the Let’s Get Brexit done mantra of Brandon Lewis,as did Caroline Lucas.

Is this nonsense really still being swallowed by a majority of the population.

I assume that Brandon had been given his script beforehand by Dominic and did not dare to deviate or expand on what this actually means.

On another subject the American author Lionel Shriver created her own car crash moment after seeking to play down the multiple gaffes of Boris.

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1 minute ago, RJRB said:

Watching QT last night it was a no contest between the two Brexit factions.

It was also an absolute disgrace that when panellists told outright lies it was Caroline Lucas who had to point this out and correct them while Fiona Bruce just looked on.


After this election there really does need to be a full examination of how the BBC behaved during this campaign.

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