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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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5 hours ago, apelike said:

I thought that according to Osborne the economic Armageddon should have already happened, now you see why forecasts can be wrong. And no, can't see any hypocrisy.... :)

You have been told a thousand times on these threads, there was some serious quantitative easing took place after the referendum. 

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49 minutes ago, Michael_W said:

Without regurgitating the same old arguments, how much spending do we really need to create this socialist utopia where none of these issues exist ? I don't remember this country or the world ever being so, who and what's really going to change it ?

Pandering to people who say all the right things won't make everything better, be it Jezza & Co, Greta, or the reincarnation of Mother Teresa, there's a whole world of reality out there which is working against it.

Claims of everything being in crisis are not new, nothings going to collapse or get sold off, littering discussions with political propaganda and hyperbole is the new norm for everyone now though, yes there are issues and challenges, nobody can deny that, there always has been and always will be, people struggling and working hard in challenging roles and conditions is not exclusive to any sector of workers, all my direct family work in various parts of the public service sector, including front line, I have discussed many of these issues with them all and truth be known I have had little resistance to many of the reality checks I have put to them over the years.


I haven’t suggested that we create a socialist utopia. I’d settle for properly funded public services.


They’ve all been hammered in the last decade, well beyond the point where the more right wing people could claim that efficiency savings could take up the slack.

We are now in the position that immediate and huge investment is needed if we are to avoid the collapse of our vital services.


Everyone should remember that when they vote on Thursday. 

As for your front line family members, they’ve probably written you off as being so closed minded that you aren’t worth arguing with.


I’m most definitely a front line public servant, and I’m telling you that the situation is dire and getting worse.

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10 hours ago, Gormenghast said:

If you aren't aware of why it's relevant you should do some research.

Ok. Greek austerity was imposed by the EU. Ours was a Conservative economic policy which has hammered public services.


I'm concluding your comparison was an irrelevant bit of whataboutery. Please provide your evidence to the contrary. 

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11 hours ago, L00b said:

The Greeks, ever since they fiddled their national finances' books to get into the €urozone, without seeing fit to get their fiscal house in order.


They are still the best example, of a country eventually running out of other people's money.


Austerity worked for them. They're on the economical mend, in a really big way.


Now, let's have a look at that research of yours.

EU imposed austerity worked for the Greeks. How inhuman. How unfeeling. How callous.


What actually happened after the EU imposed austerity on the Greek people was that Greece reduced its ratio of health care expenditure to GDP to one of the lowest within the EU, with 50% less public hospital funding in 2015 than in 2009. Hospitals lacked even basic supplies so patients couldn’t obtain the drugs they need. This is what happens in a war zone. The EU imposed war zone conditions on the population of a member state. 


Nearly a quarter of the Greek population lost health insurance from the national health care programme due to long term unemployment, while more than 20 per cent reductions in the minimum wage reduced consumer buying power. Babies and young people  did not cause Greece’s debt disaster. But they paid for it with their lives. 


Greece's total death rate rose by 17.7 percent during the period 2010 - 2016 after EU austerity measures were imposed. The largest increase in deaths were among people 70 and older and very young children. The causes of death were largely those that adequate healthcare could have treated - communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional related diseases.


EU austerity works by killing babies and young children. The EU is pure evil for implementing such a Nazi policy.

Edited by Car Boot
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23 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

EU imposed austerity worked for the Greeks. How inhuman. How unfeeling. How callous.


What actually happened after the EU imposed austerity on the Greek people was that Greece reduced its ratio of health care expenditure to GDP to one of the lowest within the EU, with 50% less public hospital funding in 2015 than in 2009. Hospitals lacked even basic supplies so patients couldn’t obtain the drugs they need. This is what happens in a war zone. The EU imposed war zone conditions on the population of a member state. 


Nearly a quarter of the Greek population lost health insurance from the national health care programme due to long term unemployment, while more than 20 per cent reductions in the minimum wage reduced consumer buying power. Babies and young people  did not cause Greece’s debt disaster. But they paid for it with their lives. 


Greece's total death rate rose by 17.7 percent during the period 2010 - 2016 after EU austerity measures were imposed. The largest increase in deaths were among people 70 and older and very young children. The causes of death were largely those that adequate healthcare could have treated - communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional related diseases.


EU austerity works by killing babies and young children. The EU is pure evil for implementing such a Nazi policy.

Your government’s non-EU/imposed austerity policies get 4 year olds with pneumonia to sleep on coats on hospital floors.


Before I get started on the number of deaths attributed to benefits-trimming fit-to-work interviews, in terms of ‘callousness’, ‘inhuman’ etc.


Sweep before your own door, before thinking of giving lessons to the rest of the world 🙄

Edited by L00b
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15 hours ago, Dardandec said:

You have been told a thousand times on these threads, there was some serious quantitative easing took place after the referendum. 

Do you know how quantitative easing is supposed to work? I have already explained how that came about and what it all meant in reality. Immediately after the referendum and the economic scares Carny offered to lend up to £250bn to banks and made it clear the central bank could lend foreign currency too. This was money from the banks reserves and was in fact hardly used as the banks did not have to cut their lending. Having money available to loan to the banks if needed is not the same as giving it away and nor is creating £75 billion extra in government bonds for sale either. QE has been going on since the crash of 2008. It started mainly then, went from 0 to £200bn till mid 2011, rose again to around £355bn till 2016 and rose again to around £430bn. Notice that the rise since the referendum was less than a third of what the rises were in the past at £75bn. Most of those rises were designed to keep interest rates down to stimulate spending.


A quote from the Times about it:


"In the event, the BoE was not required to undertake much firefighting. Financial stability failures are easy to identify but successes almost impossible."


In conclusion it is very debatable if QE had much effect on the economy at all.

Edited by apelike
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13 hours ago, L00b said:

Your government’s non-EU/imposed austerity policies get 4 year olds with pneumonia to sleep on coats on hospital floors.


Before I get started on the number of deaths attributed to benefits-trimming fit-to-work interviews, in terms of ‘callousness’, ‘inhuman’ etc.


Sweep before your own door, before thinking of giving lessons to the rest of the world 🙄

I oppose ALL economic austerity, whether it comes from Brussels OR Westminster.


Austerity has always been a political choice, NEVER a necessity.


The pro-austerity EU chose to drastically reduce the health of poor people in Greece and to raise death rates sharply after harsh austerity measures were imposed in 2010.




Let's Get Brexit Done and consign Brussels baby killing austerity to the dustbin of history.

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32 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

I oppose ALL economic austerity, whether it comes from Brussels OR Westminster.


Austerity has always been a political choice, NEVER a necessity.


The pro-austerity EU chose to drastically reduce the health of poor people in Greece and to raise death rates sharply after harsh austerity measures were imposed in 2010.




Let's Get Brexit Done and consign Brussels baby killing austerity to the dustbin of history.

And continue Tory baby killing austerity in the UK - which has nothing to do with the EU.


Succesive Greek governments largely brought the situation on themselves, especially their high spending on defence.





Still awaiting your contributions to the Labour Party thread - bit late now though.

Edited by Longcol
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9 hours ago, Longcol said:

And continue Tory baby killing austerity in the UK - which has nothing to do with the EU.


Succesive Greek governments largely brought the situation on themselves, especially their high spending on defence.





Still awaiting your contributions to the Labour Party thread - bit late now though.

Remainer mentality:


Tory austerity BAD.


EU austerity GOOD.


 Say NO to austerity, whether it comes from Brussels OR Westminster. Austerity is a political choice by the rich to punish the poor.



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