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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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57 minutes ago, apelike said:

So will I as I'm not on it either! 


I agree. The smug, elitist overeducated who tried to slur the leave voters on so many occasions have once again been kicked into touch by those very same people, and they deserve all they get for their past anger at them.

I would have hoped that no-one  could sink that low, not everyone on Universal credit is undeserving.

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4 hours ago, L00b said:


You can't help people who don't want to help themselves.


A truism which, this morning, clearly applies to both sides of the electoral divide, in equal measure.


As for people "deserving all they get", he who laughs last, laughs best: let's see how 'anger' is doing in the UK after January, once the UK is a third party country and the EU27 take the kid gloves off, whilst Scotland and NI soon gravitate ever further away from the Union...


...unless Johnson, now reelected with a strong majority, finally gets off electioneering mode and into Prime Ministership mode, and shafts its electorate with BRINO, of course :D



Johnson will do whatever keeps him in power. I think he has to now decide, regarding brexit, whether to ditch the ERG and tack towards BRINO to avoid the economic consequences a real brexit would bring on the new MP's constituencies. Or ditch those new voters, placate the ERG with hard brexit and assume he can replace the new MP's seats with different ones in 5 years. OTOH the new voters may not like BRINO either, and so he loses them whatever he does not on brexit.


I predict he will do whatever looks best for his re-election in 5 years time. He is a man of no principles.

Edited by nightrider
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There is now NO democratic mandate for the UK to Remain in the EU.


The electorate has firmly embraced the 2016 referendum result and once we Leave any vote to rejoin is at least a generation away. Hostility to rejoining will grow stronger in that time, especially as the EU fails.


Out of touch wealthy politicians in Parliament should have respected the referendum result. They didn't. Now the electorate has punished those parties that sought to block Brexit at the ballot box.

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5 hours ago, apelike said:

I agree, unfortunately some can't help themselves being smug about it and are even wanting benefit cuts.

Benefits have to be cut. The Tory manifesto that you all voted can’t cost itself. I want my tax breaks which in my opinion I deserve far more than people on welfare. I contribute far more to the economy, especially when my tax bill is equivalent to the average wage. How is that even fair?

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2 hours ago, Albert the Cat said:

Benefits have to be cut.

No they dont, they should be unfrozen and increased inline with inflation. Now brexit seems to be on track again confidence in the markets has risen, the pound has risen and so has Boris..... :hihi: In any case this country is not short of a bob or two so there is no reason to cut benefits.


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4 minutes ago, apelike said:

No they dont, they should be unfrozen and increased inline with inflation. Now brexit seems to be on track again confidence in the markets has risen, the pound has risen and so has Boris..... :hihi: In any case this country is not short of a bob or two so there is no reason to cut benefits.


You’re showing your true colours.

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5 minutes ago, apelike said:

No they dont, they should be unfrozen and increased inline with inflation. Now brexit seems to be on track again confidence in the markets has risen, the pound has risen and so has Boris..... :hihi: In any case this country is not short of a bob or two so there is no reason to cut benefits.


When did the Tories ever need a reason to cut benefits?

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3 hours ago, Albert the Cat said:

Benefits have to be cut. The Tory manifesto that you all voted can’t cost itself. I want my tax breaks which in my opinion I deserve far more than people on welfare. I contribute far more to the economy, especially when my tax bill is equivalent to the average wage. How is that even fair?

The fifth richest country on the planet needs to cut benefits so that wealthy Remainers can pay less tax?


It's the EU way.

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28 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

The fifth richest country on the planet needs to cut benefits so that wealthy Remainers can pay less tax?


It's the EU way.

Wrong again, nowt to do with the EU  - the wealthy have clearly voted Tory so they can pay less tax.

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