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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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Boris,his supporters and advisers are setting a fine example to the working population.

When we had a crisis at work we were prepared to put in long hours,weekends,holidays to achieve a solution.

Not this lot.

As the country faces its biggest crisis since WW2,not only do they take the usual Summer recess,they then take out additional days at a critical time,not to solve a problem,but to evade one.

Then Boris has the bare faced effrontery to claim that this is not designed to avoid debate on his No Deal Brexit.

His jovial buffoonery has got him much further than his talent deserves.


Edited by RJRB
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1 hour ago, Penistone999 said:

Democracy is delivering the result of the referendum. What is undemocratic is trying to stop Brexit. 

I actually disagree with this stance.


When the parties went into the election before the referendum, we were advised it was advisory.

It was only once the leave campaign looked like they might win that the parties said they would stand by the result - that in its own way was undemocratic - the UK electorate didn't elect the ruling party at that time to deliver on the referendum, just to hold it.

After the referendum, the ruling party said it would deliver 'a deal'  - this hasn't happened, and thus those that voted for the ruling party expecting a deal have been dealt with in an undemocratic way.


Finally the tiny percentage that leave won by are now dead - and therefore delivering brexit without asking the electorate for confirmation is entirely undemocratic.


All of this layered on top of the decision of the  fascist, lying, cheating, misogynistic unelected PM that we have now, means that the dictator state of the CONservatives has truly come home to roost.


Anyone who says that what is happening is democratic is a traitor to the UK, its electorate and democracy as a whole.

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37 minutes ago, Litotes said:

I actually disagree with this stance.


When the parties went into the election before the referendum, we were advised it was advisory.

It was only once the leave campaign looked like they might win that the parties said they would stand by the result - that in its own way was undemocratic - the UK electorate didn't elect the ruling party at that time to deliver on the referendum, just to hold it.

After the referendum, the ruling party said it would deliver 'a deal'  - this hasn't happened, and thus those that voted for the ruling party expecting a deal have been dealt with in an undemocratic way.


Finally the tiny percentage that leave won by are now dead - and therefore delivering brexit without asking the electorate for confirmation is entirely undemocratic.


All of this layered on top of the decision of the  fascist, lying, cheating, misogynistic unelected PM that we have now, means that the dictator state of the CONservatives has truly come home to roost.


Anyone who says that what is happening is democratic is a traitor to the UK, its electorate and democracy as a whole.

Right up to and including the day of the referendum it seemed like remain would win so your statement is wrong. I voted to remain not out of love for the EU but better the devil you know. I personally can’t remember it being said this was an advisory referendum only.

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20 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

Right up to and including  day of the referendum it seemed like remain would win so your statement is wrong. I voted to remain not out of love for the EU but better the devil you know. I personally can’t remember it being said this was an advisory referendum only.


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5 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

It may not have been legally binding but I believe it morally right once a referendum has been allowed the result should be excepted just like the last one on Europe was.

Absolutely correct, what's the point in over thirty five million people turning out to make a binary choice in a referendum,  it one of the choices won't be implemented?  In any case Parliament made the result legally binding when they passed legislation to put into law our country is leaving  the EU and also voted in favour of triggering Article 50 making leaving the EU without a deal the default legal position.

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16 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

It may not have been legally binding but I believe it morally right once a referendum has been allowed the result should be excepted just like the last one on Europe was.

But hold on - the last referendum overturned that one and by doing so stamped all over the democratic choice of the people.

If they had the chance to overturn that one, we should have the chance to overturn this one - not time constrained, when the popular mandate wants it - which is now.


But democracy loses out to the fascist cheating lying misogynistic unelected PM we have now.

4 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

Absolutely correct, what's the point in over thirty five million people turning out to make a binary choice in a referendum,  it one of the choices won't be implemented?  In any case Parliament made the result legally binding when they passed legislation to put into law our country is leaving  the EU and also voted in favour of triggering Article 50 making leaving the EU without a deal the default legal position.

But they can just as easily revoke the law - it's what democracy is all about.

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