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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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A lot of people are missing quite an important point. There is really only one way to get a trade deal with the EU done by the end of 2020. That is basically regulatory alignment and carry on as we are with minimal disruption. There is no other way to have a trade deal in this time frame. Not to mention, preservation of the Good Friday Agreement is dependant on actually getting a trade deal with the US because the Democrat controlled Congress have said that it won’t allow the GFA to be threatened in any way. 

Try and square this circle. 

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1 hour ago, Albert the Cat said:

A lot of people are missing quite an important point. There is really only one way to get a trade deal with the EU done by the end of 2020. That is basically regulatory alignment and carry on as we are with minimal disruption. There is no other way to have a trade deal in this time frame. Not to mention, preservation of the Good Friday Agreement is dependant on actually getting a trade deal with the US because the Democrat controlled Congress have said that it won’t allow the GFA to be threatened in any way. 

Try and square this circle. 

Regulatory alignment is fully compatible with a bare-bones FTA (which is the only form of deal do-able by end 2020), under which the UK absolutely does not "carry on as it is with minimal disruption".


That is still Johnson's current direction of Brexit travel, unless he pivots towards BRINO - the UK will become a rule taker in either case, no mistake about that.


The backstop is also now a 'front stop' under Johnson's WAB (the border is between NI and the UK mainland), so the GFA is safe, whichever form of Brexit/FTA the UK goes for. 


That won't facilitate a deal with the US of course (no chlorinated chickens when under regulatory alignment), but then it is pretty clear that Johnson did not fully think through his WAB (or if he did, that he went for it regardless, for the sake of political expediency).


UK plc is going to get shafted whichever way Boris turns, I'm afraid. The only aspect of it still within Johnson's power is, how hard.


But well, voters knew what they voted for, in 2019 just like in 2016 and 2017, right?

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4 hours ago, L00b said:

Regulatory alignment is fully compatible with a bare-bones FTA (which is the only form of deal do-able by end 2020), under which the UK absolutely does not "carry on as it is with minimal disruption".


That is still Johnson's current direction of Brexit travel, unless he pivots towards BRINO - the UK will become a rule taker in either case, no mistake about that.


The backstop is also now a 'front stop' under Johnson's WAB (the border is between NI and the UK mainland), so the GFA is safe, whichever form of Brexit/FTA the UK goes for. 


That won't facilitate a deal with the US of course (no chlorinated chickens when under regulatory alignment), but then it is pretty clear that Johnson did not fully think through his WAB (or if he did, that he went for it regardless, for the sake of political expediency).


UK plc is going to get shafted whichever way Boris turns, I'm afraid. The only aspect of it still within Johnson's power is, how hard.


But well, voters knew what they voted for, in 2019 just like in 2016 and 2017, right?

Personally I don't think they know what planet they're on but......

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Over three years of vicious, relentless abuse that millions of Leave voters will remember for a lifetime, resulted in the political situation we find ourselves in now. 


The ruling elite can't say they weren't warned. But the out of touch, living in a bubble, metropolitan Remainers will still refuse to believe that the public supports Brexit.


In which case, why didn't the party of slavish devotion to the EU, the Liberal Democrats, gain huge support and a huge vote? This was a Brexit election, after all.



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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

Boy oh boy, people are going to look back and wish they'd voted Labour. 

Exactly Anna, patience is the name of the game now..

Boris has dug himself an almighty hole, and when he fails to deliver his land of milk and honey, the electorate will realize they have been conned, duped, lied to.. Labour supporters will be back in their droves.. he who laughs last, laughs best.. The tide will start turning in the not to distant future..

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6 hours ago, Car Boot said:

Over three years of vicious, relentless abuse that millions of Leave voters will remember for a lifetime, resulted in the political situation we find ourselves in now. 


The ruling elite can't say they weren't warned. But the out of touch, living in a bubble, metropolitan Remainers will still refuse to believe that the public supports Brexit.


In which case, why didn't the party of slavish devotion to the EU, the Liberal Democrats, gain huge support and a huge vote? This was a Brexit election, after all.



Labour remainers voted remain.


Tory remainers voted Tory rather than risk a Corbyn government by voting Lib Dem.


The ruling elite are well esconced in number 10.



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