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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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15 hours ago, Padders said:

Exactly Anna, patience is the name of the game now..

Boris has dug himself an almighty hole, and when he fails to deliver his land of milk and honey, the electorate will realize they have been conned, duped, lied to.. Labour supporters will be back in their droves.. he who laughs last, laughs best.. The tide will start turning in the not to distant future..

Or they will hate foreigners even more when they blame them for now giving us good trade deals.

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16 hours ago, Car Boot said:

In which case, why didn't the party of slavish devotion to the EU, the Liberal Democrats, gain huge support and a huge vote? This was a Brexit election, after all.

and remain supporting / remain-option-offering parties got more than half the vote.



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Once we Get Brexit Done we badly need a public inquiry into why it’s taken so long to implement the democratic result of the June 2016 referendum. In the long run, there will probably be more than one inquiry into how a minority of powerful influential people conspired to destroy democracy and keep us in the EU against our clear wishes.

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On 16/12/2019 at 10:02, nightrider said:

Or they will hate foreigners even more when they blame them for now giving us good trade deals.

That's the one.


I mean, Boris has been lying his arse off for 5 weeks and people still voted for him, so people clearly don't mind being lied to.

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10 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

I mean, Boris has been lying his arse off for 5 weeks and people still voted for him, so people clearly don't mind being lied to.

Honda Engineering Europe's 81 soon-to-be-ex-employees might disagree with you, there.


Thin end of a large wedge.


I wonder how much Crispin Odey just made out of Johnson's latest legislative push bringing back no deal on the table (and, accessorily, wiping out the totality of the Pound Sterling gains from the GE2019 result).

Edited by L00b
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On 15/12/2019 at 12:44, L00b said:

The backstop is also now a 'front stop' under Johnson's WAB (the border is between NI and the UK mainland), so the GFA is safe, whichever form of Brexit/FTA the UK goes for.

And so the break up of the Union starts - ther are more republicans in post in NI now than unionists, so they will milk Boris' border in the Irish Channel for all it is worth - and once they start, wee Nicky will pipe up as well.  Boris will then stand down as he doesn't want the stigma of being the man in charge when the UK was broken up - note he is happy to be a cheat, a liar, sexist and racist bigot, but doesn't want tarred with the man to do what neither Napoleon nor Hitler could!

Edited by Litotes
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8 minutes ago, Litotes said:

And so the break up of the Union starts - ther are more republicans in post in NI now than unionists, so they will milk Boris' border in the Irish Channel for all it is worth - and once they start, wee Nicky will pipe up as well.  Boris will then stand down as he doesn't want the stigma of being the man in charge when the UK was broken up - note he is happy to be a cheat, a liar, sexist and racist bigot, but doesn't want tarred with the man to do what neither Napoleon nor Hitler could!

Not for a couple years at the earliest, I think.


But yes, the break up of the Union is one of the main expected consequences of Brexit, foretold during the 2016 ref campaign, and summarily derided as Project Fear (-like all the other consequences, simplistically because they did not occur at 00:01 on 24 June 2016 :rolleyes:)


I'll be delighted at the democratic Irish and Scottish peoples taking back control :D

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45 minutes ago, Litotes said:

And so the break up of the Union starts - ther are more republicans in post in NI now than unionists, so they will milk Boris' border in the Irish Channel for all it is worth - and once they start, wee Nicky will pipe up as well.  Boris will then stand down as he doesn't want the stigma of being the man in charge when the UK was broken up - note he is happy to be a cheat, a liar, sexist and racist bigot, but doesn't want tarred with the man to do what neither Napoleon nor Hitler could!

Not sure this is a bad thing, if the NI people want to join Ireland good luck to them and let's hope they make a success of it.


I don't think many English people feel much affinity to NI, so no-one is going to stand in their way or mourn their going (and hence blame anyone).

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Interesting & a possibly something of a reminder to EU negotiators not to try & play hard-ball during any trade talks. 




They appear to have much to lose? 

Edited by Baron99
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2 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

Interesting & a possibly something of a reminder to EU negotiators not to try & play hard-ball during any trade talks. 




They appear to have much to lose? 

Is this going to be a continuing discussion about who is going to the most badly hurt by Brexit?

Is it sufficient to say that other European countries will lose more than the U.K and is this the bargaining tool to be used to complete some trade deals done within a year?

The Brexit benefits remain elusive.




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