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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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1 hour ago, melthebell said:

The whole brexit charade is built on project fear

For example the lies about Turkey joining the EU.




And if you scroll down this page from the Vote Leave website it would appear that millions of them were bound for the UK.




Edited by Longcol
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15 hours ago, Longcol said:

So it's need that's the driver to work more than 48 hours rather than "can and want",

Unless we have got stats to prove that then its no..



Or you could say "forced to" because the wage without large amounts of overtime is simply insufficient for a decent standard of living.

But that is not against the WTD though which is what people here seem to be complaining about in that the rules may change.


14 hours ago, altus said:

At best people are coerced into 'opting' out rather than being forced, but that doesn't make much difference in practice.

So people are complaining about the WTD being removed or changed when it is not working anyway. Strange that it was never compulsory to start with.

Edited by apelike
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Watching the BBC News 24, "Dateline London", programme today, where they have foreign correspondents giving their views on the UK.  Speaking about the General Election result & the Brexit angle, US journalist / Telegraph journalist, Janet Daley, highlighted a point, that despite two strongly opposing sides in the Brexit debate, the 3 & half years plus of MP's delaying / disputing / denying the will of the electorate, despite the marches, the name calling on social media, the British people themselves didn't, unlike many other countries around the world, including our European neighbours, faced with similar political problems, consider out & out, physical assault on each other out on the streets. 


Coming from an outsider, think that's something we should all be proud of?

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2 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Watching the BBC News 24, "Dateline London", programme today, where they have foreign correspondents giving their views on the UK.  Speaking about the General Election result & the Brexit angle, US journalist / Telegraph journalist, Janet Daley, highlighted a point, that despite two strongly opposing sides in the Brexit debate, the 3 & half years plus of MP's delaying / disputing / denying the will of the electorate, despite the marches, the name calling on social media, the British people themselves didn't, unlike many other countries around the world, including our European neighbours, faced with similar political problems, consider out & out, physical assault on each other out on the streets. 


Coming from an outsider, think that's something we should all be proud of?

Maybe because the end result will be a very minor change to peoples lives. In fact I am not aware of what will be different, once we have left.

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