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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

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Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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2 hours ago, melthebell said:

I've found a brexit positive




after brexit our kids will be able to take up smoking menthol fags again YAY for brexit.

Just a clarifier, for context : the actual date for Brexit is 1st January 2021.


That is because the WA keeps the UK under EU law until the end of the transition period (...unless Johnson should request an extension to the transition period (deadline for request is 1st July 2020) in which case the actual date for Brexit could slide to later still).


So this new EU law about menthol cigs will have to be applied in the UK by May 2020, even though the UK is 'brexiting' in a couple of weeks.

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4 minutes ago, L00b said:

Just a clarifier, for context : the actual date for Brexit is 1st January 2021.


That is because the WA keeps the UK under EU law until the end of the transition period (...unless Johnson should request an extension to the transition period (deadline for request is 1st July 2020) in which case the actual date for Brexit could slide to later still).


So this new EU law about menthol cigs will have to be applied in the UK by May 2020, even though the UK is 'brexiting' in a couple of weeks.

DAMN dont say ive lost another positive :O

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15 minutes ago, melthebell said:

DAMN dont say ive lost another positive :O

No mel, your post was right (-from 1st January 2021* onwards).


*later if the transition period is extended.


I was just adding some factual context for the sake of clarity (given how Johnson & co. are continuing to mis-sell 31 January 2020 as 'Brexit', complete with parties and stuff, when in practice nothing much will change at all during the transition period).


Wouldn't want Leavers to take a leaf out of Johnson & co. and trumpet how, short-term after 31 January 2020, Brexit "isn't having any effect on the UK economy" , now, would we? ;) 



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1 minute ago, L00b said:

No mel, your post was right (-from 1st January 2021* onwards).


I was just adding some factual context for the sake of clarity (given how Johnson & co. are continuing to mis-sell 31 January 2020 as 'Brexit', complete with parties and stuff, when in practice nothing much will change at all during the transition period).


*later if the transition period is extended

yeah i was being facetious, obviously it puts things we might want to do differently on hold until after the transition period and even then it depends what we actually sign up to...with johnson he says one thing and does another so it could be anything...or all

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18 hours ago, melthebell said:

DAMN dont say ive lost another positive :O

I've just seen the news this morning and been reminded, and so I found you a replacement positive: from 1st February 2020, no more UKIP/BxP MEPs at the European Parliament :thumbsup:


In other good news, the EU27 is willing to let the City access the EU financial markets...in exchange for access to UK fishing waters. Good trolling, there :D


That's 2 lots of good news, got to rebalance now: full access to the EU services market looks borked for the UK (according to EU position for the FTA negotiations agreed in committee yesterday), since the EU will not be pushing to maintain mutual recognition of qualifications.


Unless that changes, UK professionals currently in EU (incl. Ireland) might as well pack up and go home, as they'll become unqualified overnight. Same for EU27 in UK, incl. NHS doctors (e.g.)

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52 minutes ago, Flanker7 said:

As I understand it we loose representation in the EU (MEP's) on 1st Feb 2020.


What else changes?

The UK ceases to be an EU member state (which is why British MEPs get made redundant then, beside a good few British EU employees).


I don't expect Joe Bloggs in the street to notice much superficially, thanks to the time-limited prorogation of 'things as they stand' under the WA, until end 2020 when the WA expires. Then we're back to the 'no deal' cliff-edge, unless a UK-EU FTA is alreafy ratified by then.


But for CEOs, whitehall senior types, planners, etc. (and the rest of the world), this change of status is momentous, because Brexit moves beyond political inevitability to finally become legal fact.


Because that means no more possibility of withdrawing Theresa May's Article 50 instrument and staying in: you're out for good, and in case of a collective change of mind (democratically sanctioned by a UK referendum or GE of course), you would have to formally apply to rejoin under Article 49 TEU (and the conversation has already been had a few times on here, about the unlikelihood of it, because of fundamental requirements of €, Schengen, etc. under Article 49).


That also means, in simplified negotiating terms, that the UK loses any and all leverage, which it still enjoyed since 2016 as a full-fat EU member state.


Historians will come to regard 1st Feb 2020 as equally significant as 29 March 2017, when the UK government sent its Article 50 instrument, in terms of historical mistake. I don't expect their analysis to be flattering, unless Leavers manage to deliver on their promises.

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54 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

The sooner Brexit becomes a legal fact the better.


Ever closer political and economic union is sooo last century.


Remote, out of touch and distant political elites are on the wrong side of history. 

Becoming a vassal of the USA is so 19th century.

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