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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

I've still got a 50p coin with the circle of nine hands from 1973. I'm looking forward to getting the new one with the inscription "Peace, prosperity and friendship with all  nations"


Discussions on Brexit are never peaceful or friendly and are really a waste of time because they are always dominated by remain voters who refuse to accept the outcome of the referendum result and use every opportunity to try and prove the majority who voted to leave the EU are wrong and they are right. The best thing leave supporters can do for the sake of peace and friendship is to let the remainers have the last word knowing leave supporters have the last laugh because the efforts to block Brexit failed and Britain will no longer be officially in the EU after 11.00 pm on Friday night. 

Oh no no no. Leavers have the last word, and that last word really should be "here is our plan", or failing that, "we'll take responsibility".

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8 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Oh no no no. Leavers have the last word, and that last word really should be "here is our plan", or failing that, "we'll take responsibility".

Roflcopters my friend, any Brexit consequences after the 31st of January, will clearly be the fault of the remainers, whatever are you thinking?

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12 minutes ago, Dardandec said:

Roflcopters my friend, any Brexit consequences after the 31st of January, will clearly be the fault of the remainers, whatever are you thinking?

When nothing much changes after the 31st of January it will be evidence of project fear and not down to the fact that we are in a transition period and so effectively in the EU FTA, abiding by EU rules and contributing to its budget. After the end of the transition period any negative consequences will be dismissed as we left on 31st Jan which was ages ago so they can't possibly be related to brexit otherwise they'd have occurred earlier.


You're correct that they'll be blaming someone else though.

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15 hours ago, altus said:

When nothing much changes after the 31st of January it will be evidence of project fear and not down to the fact that we are in a transition period and so effectively in the EU FTA, abiding by EU rules and contributing to its budget. After the end of the transition period any negative consequences will be dismissed as we left on 31st Jan which was ages ago so they can't possibly be related to brexit otherwise they'd have occurred earlier.


You're correct that they'll be blaming someone else though.

Imagine being a newly-elected Conservative MP from a previously-Labour constituency, and having to defend a policy that has your council losing millions in funding, when Johnson's is receiving £8.8m extra.


After that council funding review performed under Theresa May, it's probably a coincidence that Labour-voting areas received major cuts and rural Tory-voting areas saw gains.


Be interesting to see who Labour-turned-Conservative voters blame then  ;)


The same issue pervades everything-Brexit: there's been so much misinformation and disinformation over the past 4 years, which continue to this day and that have yet to peak, that British Joe Average will just (continue to-) blame whoever he's told to by the red tops and 'semi' red tops, for lack of knowing better.


Perhaps there's some solace to be had for Remainers, from the expectation that Johnson will again have the EU27 do all the negotiating work, sign whatever BRINO deal they give him by October, and engage his only real political skill -that of selling any old rubbish as a 'win' quite successfully- by end December :)

Edited by L00b
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People always mocking Brexiteers, but I think Remainers have their share of morons.  And yesterday of all days.


Cambridge lawyer slammed for 'shameful' swastika tweet




You may not want to touch one, but if we all buy a permanent marker pen and paint a swastika on every #brexitcoin we're given, people might just get the message that Britain is beginning to resemble Germany in 1933 after the Enabling Act was passed... 




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29 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

People always mocking Brexiteers, but I think Remainers have their share of morons.  And yesterday of all days.

Much ado about nothing, after the words of Ministers, MPs, MEPs and associated other celebs à la Katie Hopkins over the past 4 years, tbh.


But, certainly, Remainers enjoy the dubious priviledge of counting the ultimate moron amongst their ranks: David Cameron ;)


Doesn't matter in the end: you're all still fighting between yourselves like cats in a bag, about three days away from Brexiteers throwing the bag in the river, instead of figuring out the bag, and then figuring the tie keeping it shut. 


"Oh look, a dead coin story cat" indeed

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