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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

You got that the wrong way round. The Irish woman was the petty one.  Nigel Farage is correct the UK has proved it is too big to bullied by the EU.

Farage and his gang of morons were an international embarrassment. I hope they disappear into obscurity and are never seen again.

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Farage showing what a petty little Engerlander he is.

Impressing no-one, embarrassing many - good riddance - now he will just draw his 30 pieces of silver from his gravy train that he has denied to future generations.


He must be sitting in Smugland with his pretty pot of gold made from the toils of other wondering which generation of lives he can ruin next.

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34 minutes ago, Litotes said:

Farage showing what a petty little Engerlander he is.

Impressing no-one, embarrassing many - good riddance - now he will just draw his 30 pieces of silver from his gravy train that he has denied to future generations.


He must be sitting in Smugland with his pretty pot of gold made from the toils of other wondering which generation of lives he can ruin next.

You seem to forget that the UK can re-join the EU in the future if those future generations want to so nothing has been denied them. Now concentrate on those who actually run (if that is the correct word) the EU and see whether they are worth the salary they get as its those that run the gravy train that benefit most.


You need to come to terms with your bitterness to anything leave related as you seem to be overwhelmed by it.

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2 minutes ago, apelike said:

You seem to forget that the UK can re-join the EU in the future if those future generations want to so nothing has been denied them. Now concentrate on those who actually run (if that is the correct word) the EU and see whether they are worth the salary they get as its those that run the gravy train that benefit most.


You need to come to terms with your bitterness to anything leave related as you seem to be overwhelmed by it.

Not having a major war starting in western Europe in the last 80 years has benefitted rather a large number of us 😎

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20 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Not having a major war starting in western Europe in the last 80 years has benefitted rather a large number of us 😎

And in most of that time the EU as it is now didn't exist as it was just a trading organisation called the EEC, and what did exist was limited to the 10 nations that was in it when we joined in 1973! It's a big stretch of the imagination to make out that no major wars have taken place just because of the EU as NATO has played a major role in that peacekeeping.


Just look on wiki and you will see that although there has not been any major wars, wars and conflicts were still going on in Europe without the EU being able to do much to stop them.



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18 minutes ago, apelike said:

And in most of that time the EU as it is now didn't exist as it was just a trading organisation called the EEC, and what did exist was limited to the 10 nations that was in it when we joined in 1973! It's a big stretch of the imagination to make out that no major wars have taken place just because of the EU as NATO has played a major role in that peacekeeping.


Just look on wiki and you will see that although there has not been any major wars, wars and conflicts were still going on in Europe without the EU being able to do much to stop them.



Have a read about the forerunner to the EEC - the European Coal and Steel Community - founded 1951 - and its aims.




There was also a  conflict in the UK starting prior to us joining the EEC - remember?

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Farage is still a laughing stock within Europe and the UK.


His hypocrisy around hating his paymasters and the fact that his children have EU passports is monumental.


But you are missing the point - we have left, we have joined the third world by leaving and we don't have to concentrate on those that run the EU - we have to concentrate on those that run (abuse) the UK.


We have thrown away a huge benefit and taken on board a role model who is a self-confessed liar, racist, sexist cheat.


It was your choice, and as I have said before - live with your choice because every time you complain about life - I will be here to remind you, you made your own bed by voting for the suicide pact that was Brexit - the economy is already 20% down the pan since you cast you vote based on fake news and ignorance, not get ready for it to get worse...


Yes we can rejoin, but the terms will never be as good as the ones we threw away.


And also, because of YOUR choice the UK will not exist as it once did in 5 years time.


Are you proud of your choice?

Will your children regret your choice?


I know what I think.

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2 hours ago, Longcol said:

Have a read about the forerunner to the EEC - the European Coal and Steel Community - founded 1951 - and its aims.



The aims of the six nations were clear as it states in that wiki piece, to stop another war between France and Germany ever happening again. However it is impossible to say whether their aims achieved that or whether it was just natural progression, as at the time it was just six nations and had nothing at all to do with the rest of Europe. It is also possible that the Russian presence in East Germany and the NATO presence in Germany and France contributed to that peace.The EU may have helped but was not just them.


2 hours ago, Longcol said:

There was also a  conflict in the UK starting prior to us joining the EEC - remember?

Depends on what conflict you are talking about.


The bottom line is it is not possible to say with any certainty that it was the EU that helped keep the peace especially when it had a weak membership and was not fully formed as it is today.

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1 hour ago, Litotes said:

But you are missing the point - we have left, we have joined the third world by leaving and we don't have to concentrate on those that run the EU - we have to concentrate on those that run (abuse) the UK.

Pull the other one, we will have only joined the third world in your eyes.


1 hour ago, Litotes said:

We have thrown away a huge benefit and taken on board a role model who is a self-confessed liar, racist, sexist cheat.

We have thrown away nothing, after all democracy is about changing your mind and the people who voted did just that... :)


1 hour ago, Litotes said:

It was your choice, and as I have said before - live with your choice because every time you complain about life - I will be here to remind you, you made your own bed by voting for the suicide pact that was Brexit - the economy is already 20% down the pan since you cast you vote based on fake news and ignorance, not get ready for it to get worse...

I will live with my choice and I don't complain about life, I leave that in the realms of the remainers! As for the rest of that you are talking rubbish and are just very bitter that the over educated were beaten to the post by the undereducated. To paraphrase what Bercow said, it was in the power of the remainers to stop brexit but they didn't get together because they all wanted to be PM.


1 hour ago, Litotes said:

Yes we can rejoin, but the terms will never be as good as the ones we threw away.

But that shouldn't matter in a socialist led organisation such as the EU, all members should be treated equal after all.


1 hour ago, Litotes said:

And also, because of YOUR choice the UK will not exist as it once did in 5 years time.

No it wont but that does not mean it will be worse.


1 hour ago, Litotes said:

Are you proud of your choice?

Yes. (has big grin on face)


1 hour ago, Litotes said:

Will your children regret your choice?

No as they were also old enough to vote and voted leave.


1 hour ago, Litotes said:

I know what I think.

I think all on here also know!

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