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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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8 hours ago, Litotes said:

Farage is still a laughing stock within Europe and the UK.



Between achieving his Brexiting aim (hence losing his MEP job), disenfranchising his BxP candidates and gifting Johnson the BxP votes at the GE19, Farage ended up de-platforming himself. Watch him fade away into media obscurity (...which he'll welcome, if he's got any sense of self-preservation).

6 hours ago, apelike said:



But that shouldn't matter in a socialist led organisation such as the EU, all members should be treated equal after all.



The EU is not 'socialist led'.


As a constitutional and political entity, it is 'led' by the European Council, i.e. the democratically-elected leaders of the EU member states. Collectively (equals indeed) they decide EU policies, the Commission then drafts legislation implementing these policies, the Parliament then debates these drafts and votes on them (and can also request draft legislation from the Commission itself).


Now, it's more boring and taxing to look up basic constitutional facts about the EU, than hearing and repeating tired old canards like 'the socialist EU' for effect, and of course it doesn't really help your anti-EU stance. But there you go.

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10 hours ago, Litotes said:

Farage is still a laughing stock within Europe and the UK.


His hypocrisy around hating his paymasters and the fact that his children have EU passports is monumental.


But you are missing the point - we have left, we have joined the third world by leaving and we don't have to concentrate on those that run the EU - we have to concentrate on those that run (abuse) the UK.


We have thrown away a huge benefit and taken on board a role model who is a self-confessed liar, racist, sexist cheat.


It was your choice, and as I have said before - live with your choice because every time you complain about life - I will be here to remind you, you made your own bed by voting for the suicide pact that was Brexit - the economy is already 20% down the pan since you cast you vote based on fake news and ignorance, not get ready for it to get worse...


Yes we can rejoin, but the terms will never be as good as the ones we threw away.


And also, because of YOUR choice the UK will not exist as it once did in 5 years time.


Are you proud of your choice?

Will your children regret your choice?


I know what I think.

What's so good about the UK the way it is now that you want to keep it as it is?


I certainly hope that the UK doesn't exist as it does now in five years time. When I voted to Leave, I voted for CHANGE. 


Brexit is just the start.


I want to sweep away the UK of the privileged Remainers - people who are terrified of change. Weaken the pillar of capitalism, the EU. Give independence to Scotland and Ireland. Smash the BBC TV Licence fee and watch the Royal parasites fade into obscurity. 


I voted for change. Big change. It can't come soon enough.

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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

Nigel Farage and his Brexit Party MEPs made me proud to be British.  Only one more sleep to go now until Britain officially leaves the EU and our big flag outside the EU Parliament is taken down. 

The rest of the EU parliament were polite and respectful they acted ****** up hooligans, waving about their tiny flags (made in China). If that what makes you proud to be British you must have a really low standard. 

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1 hour ago, Car Boot said:

Brexit is just the start.


I want to sweep away the UK of the privileged Remainers - people who are terrified of change. Weaken the pillar of capitalism, the EU. Give independence to Scotland and Ireland. Smash the BBC TV Licence fee and watch the Royal parasites fade into obscurity.  I voted for change. Big change. It can't come soon enough.

HS2 should be the start, but it looks like its going ahead. Scotland should get maximum devolution, but can you immage the negoiations over the border, immigration and our debt.

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2 hours ago, Car Boot said:

What's so good about the UK the way it is now that you want to keep it as it is?


I certainly hope that the UK doesn't exist as it does now in five years time. When I voted to Leave, I voted for CHANGE. 


Brexit is just the start.


I want to sweep away the UK of the privileged Remainers - people who are terrified of change. Weaken the pillar of capitalism, the EU. Give independence to Scotland and Ireland. Smash the BBC TV Licence fee and watch the Royal parasites fade into obscurity. 


I voted for change. Big change. It can't come soon enough.

The UK has had 10 years of Conservative governance, just about each year proclaiming austerity to be at an end, and yet continuing in the background all the same.


Only  a few months ago when the GE19 campaign was getting underway, Sajid Javid promised -again- that there would be no cuts. Then the Conservatives swept up.


 Can you guess what happened today? The figure you're looking for, is 5%.


Now, it might be in bad taste to recall that famous definition of insanity, which involves people who expect things to change indeed (and I assume that you didn't vote Conservatives, so this isn't meant as an insult).


Edit - today's update about (previously- and long-predicted) consequences of Brexit, courtesy of HMG: https://www.gov.uk/visit-europe-1-january-2021. Essential reading if you're planning a trip on the Continent from 2021 onwards.

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3 hours ago, West 77 said:

Nigel Farage and his Brexit Party MEPs made me proud to be British.  Only one more sleep to go now until Britain officially leaves the EU and our big flag outside the EU Parliament is taken down. 

June Mummery made you proud to be British? Really? :wow:

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2 minutes ago, West 77 said:


Yesterday June Mummery celebrated Britain reclaiming our independence back.  All proud British people should be celebrating that achievement. 

Careful now. Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall ;)

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10 minutes ago, West 77 said:


Yesterday June Mummery celebrated Britain reclaiming our independence back.  All proud British people should be celebrating that achievement. 

Ah yes, that independence where we bow to Trumps USA and follow like a lapdog? Sadly out of the frying pan into the fire springs to mind.

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13 minutes ago, West 77 said:

I saw no hooligans. I saw proud British people enjoying their last day in the European Parliament and celebrating achieving their goal. They were only little flags and were waved to say a peaceful goodbye. The Union Jack ties were also a nice touch by people who have pride in their own country. Britain has done something that no other EU member has done and that is not to vote again after a referendum result wasn't to the EU's liking. I didn't have a problem with the pro-EU British MEPs holding up scarfs displaying both the Union Jack and the EU flag because it was a sad day for them. Yesterday was all about Britain in the EU Parliament and I can see no wrongdoing in either celebrating Britain leaving the EU or displaying sadness about Britain leaving the EU.

Yesterday June Mummery celebrated Britain reclaiming our independence back.  All proud British people should be celebrating that achievement. 

What a load of old ****.

43 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

She's truly bizarre!

A Brexit Party MEP just complained that leaving the EU leaves UK with no representation


Isn't she just. It's just the EU stopping Grimsby from rising from the ashes - or words to that effect, I saw it on Twitter. You must wonder if she has ever been to Grimsby?

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