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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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23 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

It may not have been legally binding but I believe it morally right once a referendum has been allowed the result should be excepted just like the last one on Europe was.



Neither side even got 40% of the electorate’s support so its democratic validity is ‘very weak’ at best. 


It was also a referendum for leave supporters, to it was no surprise that leave got more votes than remain.

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2 minutes ago, Litotes said:

But hold on - the last referendum overturned that one and by doing so stamped all over the democratic choice of the people.

If they had the chance to overturn that one, we should have the chance to overturn this one - not time constrained, when the popular mandate wants it - which is now.


But democracy loses out to the fascist cheating lying misogynistic unelected PM we have now.


2 minutes ago, Litotes said:

But hold on - the last referendum overturned that one and by doing so stamped all over the democratic choice of the people.

If they had the chance to overturn that one, we should have the chance to overturn this one - not time constrained, when the popular mandate wants it - which is now.


But democracy loses out to the fascist cheating lying misogynistic unelected PM we have now.

We can have another referendum in the future after a number of years has passed. And we don’t elect a prime minister we elect a party so the PM is the legitimate leader.

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5 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:



Neither side even got 40% of the electorate’s support so its democratic validity is ‘very weak’ at best. 


It was also a referendum for leave supporters, to it was no surprise that leave got more votes than remain.

It was a  referendum for everyone we on the remain side didn’t get enough votes it’s simple maths. Leave got 52% remain 48% of those who could be bothered to vote. I’ve no sympathy for those who didn’t vote without good reason.

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3 hours ago, Penistone999 said:

Democracy is delivering the result of the referendum. What is undemocratic is trying to stop Brexit. 

I'll ask the question again since you are using your usual swerve tactics


Are you that scared of democracy?


I'll ask it until you answer and I encourage everyone else to do the same.

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36 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:


We can have another referendum in the future after a number of years has passed. And we don’t elect a prime minister we elect a party so the PM is the legitimate leader.

And how many years is that? or is it when popular opinion feels a vote is needed, which is now...


Or is that not democratic?

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24 minutes ago, hobinfoot said:

It was a  referendum for everyone we on the remain side didn’t get enough votes it’s simple maths. Leave got 52% remain 48% of those who could be bothered to vote. I’ve no sympathy for those who didn’t vote without good reason.

It was no more a referendum for everyone than if I started a poll on here about who is the greatest Grand Prix driver then tried to claim that everyone on SF thinks that Michael Schumacher is the greatest even though only those who bothered to partake were those interested in Formula One.


I don’t remember a single remain supporter calling for a referendum.

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I pity the poor beleavers when they look back on this day as the day when democracy died in the UK - and it was by their doing.


What we are seeing happen is a fascist dictator ignore the wishes of the majority and steamroller his desires onto the people of the UK.


The UK voted leave, but not this leave, we were promised a deal, but haven't got one, because the people who promised us it, didn't understand the detail behind the GF agreement, or Gibraltar.

They are ignorant, as are many of their supporters - ignorant of what the impact will be to the UK as a whole, to the NHS, to the construction sector, to the manufacturing sector.


The pound has fallen massively against the dollar and the euro since the decision to leave (commit financial suicide) and it won't recover for decades. We are now in the G15 not the G7 and the BoJo army are trying to shake the magic money tree they derided TM over. We are the Argentina of the 2020s.


Batten down the hatches and watch the BeLeavers claim "It's not our fault".


Au revior

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8 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Answering the last couple of posts about another referendum from the end of the last thread the options would be the same as before.


Leave or stay.


However if a Remain party or coalition won an election then the whole sorry mess could be sacked off altogether by simply revoking Article 50.

You asked me about Canada/US border controls. Because that thread has ceased, there is no quote facility, so I could not reply today.

Anyway all I wanted to say is yes you do need a passport, but it was only since 9/11. Prior to that a Canadian birth certificate or citizen ship card was all one needed to get across the border in either direction.It was that what I was talking about in my earlier post. Of course that all changed after that fateful day in 2011, especially as the terrrorists were known to have passed through Canada during their training for the attacks.

Sorry to interrupt your current conversation.

Edited by Ontarian1981
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