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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 8] Read First Post Before Posting

Message added by Vaati

Mod Note: As we are getting rather tired of seeing reports about this. The use of the word Remoaners  is to cease. Either posts like adults, or don't post at all. The mod warnings have been clear.

Message added by mort

In addition to remoaner we are also not going to allow the use of libdums or liebore - if you cannot behave like adults and post without recourse to these childish insults then please refrain from posting. If you have a problem with this then you all know where the helpdesk is. 

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EU member states have been told by the European Commission Task Force that the UK under Boris Johnson is reneging on its commitments to protect the all-Ireland economy and meaningful North-South cooperation, as enshrined in the Joint Report of December 2017 1/

Johnson was saying very different things to the commons an hour ago. Caught  lying again.


Edited by Mister M
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55 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

That's an interesting reply from a poster who proclaims to hold the EU in high esteem.  


You still are ignoring the fact a no-deal or walk away option is standard practice for any party to do regardless of what they are negotiating for.  


You're exactly right regarding John Mann.  He is one of the very few Labour MPs who can hold his head up high during the Brexit process.

But isn't it a case of if you can't strike a deal and walk away from any negotiations you return to the position you where in before. You certainly don't head down a route that makes you far worse off than your previous position.

Edited by WageSlave
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47 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

Voting Labour will mean voting for a people’s vote. I can’t see Mann campaigning for that, nor the good people of Worksop voting for it.


It will be interesting.

Well they voted for brexit, plus the old red rosette on a pig phenomenon so I wouldn't rule it out.


That said God's own constituency of NE Derbyshire has it's first Tory MP since the 30s so you never know. 


Interesting times!

59 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

That's an interesting reply from a poster who proclaims to hold the EU in high esteem.  


You still are ignoring the fact a no-deal or walk away option is standard practice for any party to do regardless of what they are negotiating.

Hmmm, might be if you're buying a second hand car but our current negotiating position is "give us what we want or we will shoot ourselves". At some point the EU will call our bluff.

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42 minutes ago, Car Boot said:

Too many riding the EU gravy train, or want to in the near future.


Time to derail the train and order everyone off.


Even if they haven't finished their large glass of Dom Perignon. 


No to the EU. No to the EU gravy train.

So you will hope the tories win the on coming election yes?


And do you see corbyn as a traitor? Time to change you avatar flower. How about a nice one of working class warrior and man of the people Jacob rees mogg?

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27 minutes ago, Top Cats Hat said:

You are definitely losing the plot as you watch your Brexit dream go up in smoke.


Why on earth would I hold the EU in high esteem? 🙄

Yes, I must have lost the plot.  I must  be confusing you with another poster called Top Cats Hat who has been posting on the Brexit threads for two years.


I've never had a Brexit dream.  I just respect democracy and don't want to see democracy go up in smoke in our country.


9 minutes ago, WageSlave said:

But isn't it a case of if you can't strike a deal and walk away from any negotiations you return to the position you where in before. You certainly don't head down a route that makes you far worse off than your previous position.

We had a democratic EU referendum which the majority who voted chose to leave the EU.  Parliament have had three chances to support a deal which was struck.  To rule out a no-deal is the same as our country remaining in the EU which is against the wishes of our democratic people.

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1 hour ago, Top Cats Hat said:

A pundit on Newsnight on the day of the threat to deselect anti-Brexit Tory MPs said that so many ex-UKIP or Brexit Party supporters had joined the Conservative Party in the past couple of years that the next Parliament could end up with no Brexit Party MPs but many ‘proxy’ Brexit/UKIP MPs under the flag of the Tory Party.


In other news, at least two ‘rebel’ Tory MPs (including David Gauke) have had their selection reaffirmed by their local party. I’m no expert on Conservative Party rules but if a local party refuses to have a ‘Brexit friendly’ candidate forced on them this could end up in the courts.

Unfortunately not. Apparently the conservative party rules state that the PM can unilaterally remove a candidate. If the local party disagrees they themselves can be unilaterally expelled en masse too.

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3 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

Yes, I must have lost the plot.  I must  be confusing you with another poster called Top Cats Hat who has been posting on the Brexit threads for two years.


I've never had a Brexit dream.  I just respect democracy and don't want to see democracy go up in smoke in our country.


We had a democratic EU referendum which the majority who voted chose to leave the EU.  Parliament have had three chances to support a deal which was struck.  To rule out a no-deal is the same as our country remaining in the EU which is against the wishes of our democratic people.

Maybe 3 years ago, but why not ask the democratic electorate again, just to confirm. After all, you wouldn't want to go against the democratic choice of the electorate today would you?

Just now, nightrider said:

Unfortunately not. Apparently the conservative party rules state that the PM can unilaterally remove a candidate. If the local party disagrees they themselves can be unilaterally expelled en masse too.

Nothing to stop them standing as an independent conservative candidate.,

1 hour ago, apelike said:

The former I can agree with but the latter no as constituents get no say, that's why they should get another one by having a by-election.


Anyway... back to brexit.. :D

But we don't have a say on what the brexit deal is - perhaps we should have another referendum?

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