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Stupid School Rules


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When did this change? I remember being in secondary school and during my time there was the odd kid who broke a leg and wore joggers or something along those lines, no one had an issue with it, this was even the case after the school moved to an academy and had even stricter rules about uniforms etc... 


As above get the official stuff but try speaking to someone else at the school, sounds too much like a jobsworthy drone trying to keep their traumatic school years suppressed. 

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5 hours ago, onewheeldave said:

That's disgusting. I'd suggest you contact the media.

How about contacting the head first, getting a complaint raised with the school and getting a response from the actual people can do something about it.


I never get this knee-jerk reaction to go crying to the media with the obligatory  sad faced staged picture for every little piddling thing.


It's obviously some simple mistake by some over-zealous teacher or staff member.  The Head and possibly the governors are the people to sort it not The Sun.  


Going to the media is really pathetic.  It's hardly a newsworthy national scandal.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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If a child cannot attend school for a health- related reason,confirmed by hospital ( not GP),they are entitled to 1:1 support at home whilst they are unable to attend.School have made it impossible for your niece to attend,but they have a duty to provide work and support at home.Speak to the Head of Year/ Headteacher.If nothing changes,ask for out of school support ( it’s a legal requirement for illness/ injury supported by health professionals ).

Hope that helps!

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The OP should definately get it all in writing and pursue the official route. They could do all that and still contact the media. After all, often, the offical route goes nowhere, and, even when it works, it takes a long time.

The girl is in her last year; missing chunks of time due to bureaucratic nonsense is not fair. Having this farce spread across the media will likely produce the very quick result of the school backing down.

Schools have happily fined many parents for their children missing a few odd days- why should it be acceptable for them to block a child for no good reason. Seems perfectly newsworthy to me.

Edited by onewheeldave
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It does sound like the school is being very unreasonable.
My son had an accident a few years ago and ended up in a wheelchair with a Taylor Spatial Frame on his leg.  His school were fine with him wearing a pair of loose shorts with the rest of his uniform.
Surely the most important thing should be the childs education.

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On 02/09/2019 at 18:04, Waj said:

Ive just had a call from my bro whos daughter is currently on crutches. She went back to school today but was stopped at the school gates and refused entry to the premises because (and I can barely believe this) she was not in full school uniform.

Due to the broken leg she is unable to wear her school trousers so instead went in a pair of loose fitting plain black jogging bottoms and a single black trainer. Bro rang school and explained the reasons for her clothes but apparently rules are rules and she is not allowed back until she is in full school uniform. I told him to get them to put it in writing then he can complain and the school said they may send a letter about the "incident" . Now keep in mind that this girl who is being denied her education is a good student and has had only 1 day off school in the last 3 years, has had no late marks in 3 years and on top of that this is her last year there so its an important time in her education but no, Rules are rules.

What are your thoughts? Is the school in the right or should some slack be given when its obviously not the kids fault they cant wear full uniform for a couple more weeks?

I think you made that up

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Guest makapaka
On 02/09/2019 at 18:04, Waj said:

Ive just had a call from my bro whos daughter is currently on crutches. She went back to school today but was stopped at the school gates and refused entry to the premises because (and I can barely believe this) she was not in full school uniform.

Due to the broken leg she is unable to wear her school trousers so instead went in a pair of loose fitting plain black jogging bottoms and a single black trainer. Bro rang school and explained the reasons for her clothes but apparently rules are rules and she is not allowed back until she is in full school uniform. I told him to get them to put it in writing then he can complain and the school said they may send a letter about the "incident" . Now keep in mind that this girl who is being denied her education is a good student and has had only 1 day off school in the last 3 years, has had no late marks in 3 years and on top of that this is her last year there so its an important time in her education but no, Rules are rules.

What are your thoughts? Is the school in the right or should some slack be given when its obviously not the kids fault they cant wear full uniform for a couple more weeks?

It’s unreasonable.


i agree with strict uniform policy but not when someone has a broken leg for goodness sake.


its clearly for a specific and unavoidable reason that could easily be explained to anyone questioning why they are not in usual uniform.



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