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Sharrow Lane School 1950s - Reunions

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Everyone remembers Mr Willey!!!  The head teacher was pipe-smoking Mr Davies  (Morris 10 at the gate). The tuck shop was a must, for those who had spending money !  Were you also in the local Scouts  (St Johns Meths?).  If you scan much earlier entries under "Sharrow Lane School" you will find many such former pupils' memories and lists of teachers and classmates.  There is also, in case you had missed it, a parallel forum called Sheffield History Forum but which attracts a completely different set of followers.  Happy to meet up when you have spare moments on your next trip to Sheffield.   The "kids"  from Fentonville St off Sharrow Lane have been having regular reunions for about 18 years and our gatherings have also been attended by "kids" from Priory Rd, Priory Place, Langdon St etc. Our next Fentonvillains lunchtime gathering is going to take place in early November. The group spans the years 1938 to 1946  (DoB) and includes Peter and Bob  Ireland, John Vernon, Mick Glossop,  Denis Anson, Brian Drabble, Valerie Shaw, Judith Whitehead, my sister Christine and also Barbara Walker who although not a Sharrow Lane pupil lived on the street where her father ran the best chippy in the district.  We have lost touch with Philip Stansfield who would be about your age, and are aware that Peter Green, same age, died some years ago.  Other names from that time are Edwin Fox, Warner Baxter and Graham Reaney who were also about your age.   There were many others who hung around the Fentonville - Washington Road complex but most of that group went to Pomona St or St Mathias schools.  

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The only name I recognise is Warner Baxter but I recall a girl of my year called Irene Brown who lived just off Sharrow Lane just above Wostenholme Road roughly opposite my hairdressers,Mr Noakes, he of the wax tapers used to singe cut ends.

I have forwarded our conversations to my sister Diana (now Manitz) who has indicated she will contact you to correct some misinformation concerning her degree subjects.

 I am hoping to be in Sheffield at lunchtime Friday 18th and could visit the school for lunch.

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  • 2 months later...

After reading bits and bobs on here.. things looked a bit bleak -  regarding a successful  turnout to the - Sharrow school reunion,  - Wednesday - 27th. Nov.  - but I went along just in case anyone turned up for a natter.  A group of 7   were there who were enjoying the  pre-arranged  Christmas lunch.  With me being alone... they made me welcome - we had a few handshakes.. and a short chat. ... 

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