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Schoolgirls Hair


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Once again we have some silly little girls breaking their school uniform policy and once again it's the fault of the school !!! Every start of the new school year it's the same story !! COME ON PARENTS and in this case in the Sheffield Star, Grandparents , get real ! EVERYONE IS INFORMED of the uniform policy before they join a school,just tell your little darlings that actually No they can't dye their hair ,wear makeup or decide they can't possibly wear straight leg trousers or knee length skirts !! The uniform policy is put there to keep everyone on an even keel,if you don't agree with the policy of the school, try home schooling then it won't matter how the child looks !, PARENTS  and Grandparents need to  stop mollycoddling their  children and explain that actually rules aren't just there for everyone but them,stop buying hair dye etc and STOP BLAMING THE SCHOOL for your bad guidance 






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Totally agree.  School uniform is  a brilliant leveller. Everyone wearing the same clothes. No designer clothes  or mine's better than yours .  It helps prevent bullying.  Mornings  so much easier as the child knows what he or she has to wear. It's also discipline which some children never get at home.  They also look smart and recognisable and probably less likely to get into mischief because they have their uniforms on to and from school. If parents don't like the idea of uniform why send your child to a school with uniform pick one that doesn't have it or home school. 

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12 minutes ago, nouxnoux said:

Totally agree.  School uniform is  a brilliant leveller. Everyone wearing the same clothes. No designer clothes  or mine's better than yours .  It helps prevent bullying.  Mornings  so much easier as the child knows what he or she has to wear. It's also discipline which some children never get at home.  They also look smart and recognisable and probably less likely to get into mischief because they have their uniforms on to and from school. If parents don't like the idea of uniform why send your child to a school with uniform pick one that doesn't have it or home school. 

It's only a 'Leveller' from YOUR own perspective.  Not all Families can afford the Uniforms. Or indeed confirm to the strict code.


Your take on this is very 1970's.


I say <removed>...to all school uniforms.


Let Kids Be Kids.




Edited by nikki-red
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38 minutes ago, FinBak said:

My answer to this is BAN all School uniforms...What's the point of them anyway?


Let Kids be kids and let them dress how they wan't to.


Problem solved.:)

Years ago everyone wore a uniform from infant through to secondary school.  This was abandoned by many schools on the basis that it stiffled individuality & children were allowed to dress as they pleased.  Great, it wasn't an issue for a while until the designer culture of the mid to late 1980s kicked in & it became a competition as to who could send their kids to school in the latest, most expensive, designer clobber.  Of course those children of families who couldn't afford the designer gear became targets. 


So now it's back to the uniforms although they're now close to the cost of the designer gear they replaced. 


It does make me laugh every August for just as the cuckoo hearalds the first sign of Spring, the kids & their families, desparate for their 5 mins of fame on the news or in the local paper & their outrage on social media, about school rules they've had months to get their heads around but somehow fail to comprehend, hearalds the start of Autumn. 


I was watching a news report only this morning with students complaining that all pupils, male & female have now got to wear trousers.  It was only a couple of years ago at another school that girls were protesting that they were only allowed to wear skirts. 


Hear's a radical idea for pupils & their moaning parents.  Obey the rules, get an education & wear whatever you damn well like at the weekend. 

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There is absolutely ZERO need for a School uniform...


Never mind 'Designer gear'. ...


If there wasn't a Uniform in the First place....Then all would be well.


Some prominent folks went from ' Rags to riches'..;)

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All our children and grandchildren can access education, free at the point of delivery.  If the school has a rule that states natural hair, then adults should ensure the children comply.  If they feel strongly that school doesn't fit their needs, then home educate! The argument about cost isn't relevant, dyeing hair costs more than leaving it natural.


I'm in favour of uniforms, as long as the items are not overpriced.  Supermarkets do a decent basic range, much cheaper than many other types of clothing.  

Edited by Ms Macbeth
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Uniform prevents the one child in the latest Nike trainers and whatever the top fashion jeans etc are and another being picked on because they have only got trainers and jeans from Primark.

My granddaughter does not like wearing her uniform but knows that it forms part of the rules of the school she attends. She loves dyeing her hair blue or purple and does...on the day she breaks up for the summer so that it can fade back to it's natural colour or just be dyed back for back to school.

Discipline never harmed anyone and parents should back the schools in their efforts. No...uniform in itself does not make a difference to education but it makes a difference to the school as an entity and also provides a means to identify which school pupils are from if they are causing trouble on buses, in shops etc.

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12 hours ago, FinBak said:

My answer to this is BAN all School uniforms...What's the point of them anyway?


Let Kids be kids and let them dress how they wan't to.


Problem solved.:)

Great preparation for adult life... dress how you like kids, because you can in the office, workplace, shop...

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9 minutes ago, steved32 said:

Great preparation for adult life... dress how you like kids, because you can in the office, workplace, shop...

Could not agree more.   


Part of a child's mandatory education is to develop them into the world of adulthood.   That includes introducing concepts such as rules, boundaries and discipline - something which the parents should also be significantly contributing to but far too often dont. 


School uniform is a big part of that.     It avoids the 1001 comparisons and peer pressure from fellow pupils and sets those rules and boundaries at an early age.  Such preparation is obviously important for when these children leave school and have to face the harsh realities of the real world.    That includes being told what one can and cant wear and even sometimes as far as controls on how one can and cant look. 


I never accept this rediculous argument that "...some parents cant afford uniforms..."   Tough.     That is part of the costs of having children.   A cost consideration that should have been thought long and hard about before legs were openened and pants were dropped.  


People bang on about letting children be children but look at the reality here.   If they are under a certain age they will put on whatever clothing mummy or daddy dress then in regardless of personal thought.    If they are over a certain age, then they are old enough to start learning and understanding the rules and boundaries as set out above.


Uniform rules are no hardship either way with the exception of do gooder parents who think that rules are somehow harmful to children. 

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