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Should Social Media Have A Higher Minimum Age?

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With all the problems at the moment it should be be banned without adult supervision  until the age of eighteen. Society started going down hill in the 1980s when everyone had to win, no losers; kids wrapped in cotton wool, no resilience taught. 

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How do you police such a law at a time when parents are buying their kids smartphones at a really young age? This is something that has to start in the home, and today's parents have to learn how to say NO to their little darlings demanding this and that.Teenagers will rebel against parental control locks on their phones and only the  strictest of parents will win that battle.From what I have seen, there are not too many parents around like that these days.

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14 hours ago, Top Cats Hat said:

Just watched the Jesy Nelson doc on the BBC and while I personally can’t understand why on earth anyone would be upset by what some anonymous idiot on the internet says about them, I do realise it does do enormous damage.


What are the age restrictions for social media?

Usually 13 which I do think is a little young really.


I think the problem for kids is not being able to get away from bullying, it doesn't stop when they go home from school now - it can be 24/7 via social media.  Poor kids.


I saw an advert the other day (for Barnardos or similar I think) where bullies were depicted as hyenas circling around a girl wherever she went, it was quite hard hitting.

Edited by vwkittie
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