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Sheffield Missing Out


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I heard on the news last night that many cities including Leeds are getting grants to save lovely old buildings on the high street . Shame Sheffield has missed out . It seemed to emphasise bringing life back into high streets which are declining . I would have thought Sheffield was an idea candidate .

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7 hours ago, autumn said:

I heard on the news last night that many cities including Leeds are getting grants to save lovely old buildings on the high street . Shame Sheffield has missed out . It seemed to emphasise bringing life back into high streets which are declining . I would have thought Sheffield was an idea candidate .

HAH...Sheffield missed out years ago.....


Sheffield Streets and Buildings used to look like,  what they have in YORK ...


Damn them who took away our heritage. (Sheffield Council.)!






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1 minute ago, FinBak said:

HAH...Sheffield missed out years ago.....


Sheffield Streets and Buildings used to look like,  what they have in YORK ...


Damn them who took away our heritage. (Sheffield Council.)!

Sold out to the highest bidder.

1 minute ago, FinBak said:






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7 hours ago, autumn said:

I heard on the news last night that many cities including Leeds are getting grants to save lovely old buildings on the high street . Shame Sheffield has missed out . It seemed to emphasise bringing life back into high streets which are declining . I would have thought Sheffield was an idea candidate .

Sheffield doesn't have any constituencies that the Conservatives feel they might have a chance of winning if the Lib-Dems split Labour's 2017 vote share.


That money they've announced is peanuts compared to the amount of money those places are about to lose after Brexit when the European Development Fund money disappears (£5bn since 2014), never mind the amount that has been cut from Local Authorities (£25bn across England since 2010). A little over £1million per selected town isn't going to bring life back into anything but it does generate headlines right before an election.

Edited by Funky_Gibbon
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The Conservatives, and most other previous governments have given very little development money to northern cities. Most major funding has come from the EU. Cities like Liverpool and Manchester recognised this which is why there was a majority to stay in the EUat the referendum.  Central government gives almost nothing,






Nothing that central UK government has offered Liverpool can compare with the EU funding.  The council worked hard to negotiate in Brussels for this funding-it wasn't central government that did the hard work. They coordinated the projects and brought together the other stakeholders. It will be a major loss when we leave.


In Sheffield I could find he following:







Better than anything I've seen on offer from Westminster

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