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Ancestry Dna Test

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2 minutes ago, I1L2T3 said:

So, how often does that happen with customers’ DNA?


It is very clearly a usage that a customer would not expect, and the legals even make it clear that Ancestry do not consider it the intended use.


As I said in my previous post

It obviously isn't the intended use, but nobody giving their DNA to Ancestry should be unaware that they could, if compelled by law, provide the information to the police. As quoted, that is clearly stated in their terms and conditions and privacy statement. 


Their transparency report states how many times it happens. In 2018, they received no valid requests for information related to genetic information of any Ancestry member, and did not disclose any such information to law enforcement. That is also true of 2017, 2016 and 2015.. 

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7 hours ago, Robin-H said:

It obviously isn't the intended use, but nobody giving their DNA to Ancestry should be unaware that they could, if compelled by law, provide the information to the police. As quoted, that is clearly stated in their terms and conditions and privacy statement. 


Their transparency report states how many times it happens. In 2018, they received no valid requests for information related to genetic information of any Ancestry member, and did not disclose any such information to law enforcement. That is also true of 2017, 2016 and 2015.. 

So it is not routine then. 


Very dangerous ground if it was

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  • 3 months later...

Hi everyone. I’m looking for some advice. on any experiences you have had in regards ancestry DNA test. I’ve recently done one but still 4 weeks later awaiting results. Am I right in saying if I’m looking for some missing members my dads side including my dad. If There never had a dna done. Thrn I’m unlikely to find them ? Anyone recommend any other dna sites apart from ancestry. Thank you kind regards 

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Your results can and do take weeks.

The ancestry test results will bring up links to individuals who share DNA. Level of certainty will be shown.

Other people in that tree may or may not have any DNA link with you.

It is not definitive and is only a help tool.


It also helps to confirm your own research.

Accuracy?  Ancestry loves to show Scandinavian, Scottish and Irish heritage in the origin bit( American customers?) when you are definitely not linked to any Gaelic background but have a  Celtic ancestry.


You must consider the implications of your information being seen by everybody.

There is no foolproof way of hiding yourself if you are not experienced.


If you can see them, they and thousands of others can see you.


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What absolutel nightmare. Hundreds in fact thousands Harrison’s in Sheffield and there links to London USA and beyond.. like looking for needle in haystack 😒..on positive note I’m getting closer. To the mystery.

who the daddy is 🤪 I’ve been trying only 35 years. I’ve not given up yet.never been quitter. Thing is with the ancestry it’s ok doing the dna but if the close relative doesn’t then your hitting brick wall again, and looking for that link of relatives whom have given there dna is good but frustrating. I do respect having said that some just simply don’t want the hassle and don’t reply. If that makes sense 🤔anyone on here got any tips or advice they could give me ? I would be grateful 

Edited by terri37
Because I wanted to
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