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37 minutes ago, bladebeer said:

Genuine qustion, are our councillors full time employed by the council

It can be classed as employed, does it matter. How much time they spend doing the job is down to them.

They must attend a number of meetings and send emails, how long that takes, I dont know.

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6 hours ago, bassett one said:

the above is correct,you would need some other income to live from what i can gather

Basic allowance is £12k+, and then there are the special responsibility payments.   The leader gets around £30k. 

 Full list here:   https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/content/dam/sheffield/docs/your-city-council/members-allowances/Members Expenses - 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019.pdf



Edited by Ms Macbeth
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I’ve been a Parish Councillor for a couple of years  and, just like Smithy, do it for satisfaction in helping the village. It’s unpaid and like most jobs, you get out what you put in. There always seems to be a vacancy for a Parish Councillor on most Parish Councils. It’s not political and has very little power but we do our best to help the community. Play areas, football field, cemetery, and general village maintenance and management are the main responsibilities.

If anyone has some spare time, pop along and have a chat with your local Parish Clerk. You will be made very welcome.

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28 minutes ago, Morts said:

If anyone has some spare time, pop along and have a chat with your local Parish Clerk. You will be made very welcome.

Best suited to those that do not work?

In my local its very political and used by the local party to take over everything.

They do get councillors that do very little, dont even live in the area, but they appoint anyone just so the party has 100% control.

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I’m sorry to hear that. To serve on a Parish Council you have to live or work within the Parish.

It is a real challenge trying to get new, young blood onto local committees. Helping with the Village Hall is one that comes to mind. 

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