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Katie Hopkins

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I'm not supporter of her views - but i see we're victim blaming now. According to the op's title her behaviour has brought about her demise.

Mmmmm isn't that something that is always argued against on here - it isn't the victims fault.

She deserves to have an iva if she can't manage her money and deserves to be sued for her vile attack on another person. But there are thousands of people and just as bad with money - but i'm sure we'd normally direct them to help and defend their lifestyle choices for getting in a mess.


Katie Hopkins isn't a victim. She's a perpetrator - and thus your post is pointless.

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Hard to argue against that being just deserts but hopefully it will lead her to reflecting and becoming a better person; but I won't hold my breath.


Some very wise and dignified comments from Monroe, which I'm sure will make Hopkins even more angrymad :)


It should be obvious to everyone now that Monroe is much the better human of the two

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Maybe in YOUR opinion ,and the opinion of the politically correct obsessed ,but its not everyones.


There's no discussion to be had about it - she lied about Miss Monroe, who called her out and said she'd accept an apology and a donation of five grand to a charity for migrants and if the apology and donation were not forthcoming Miss Monroe would sue.


Hopkins chose not to aoplogise, got sued and lost. And you appear to be suggesting she's hard done to somehow?

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Yes it would, nice to see you are above that :thumbsup:


But surely there's a line when we can wish ill on someone, like a graph or something (you can tell I'm an expert on this). Hitler for example you would set on fire, Hopkins perhaps is reduced to working as an amazon delivery driver and living in a top floor flat on a rough estate?

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Maybe in YOUR opinion ,and the opinion of the politically correct obsessed ,but its not everyones.


It's the judge's opinion which counts, and he ruled that Hopkins comments were libellous.

Nothing to do with political correctness.


---------- Post added 17-09-2018 at 19:18 ----------


But surely there's a line when we can wish ill on someone, like a graph or something (you can tell I'm an expert on this). Hitler for example you would set on fire, Hopkins perhaps is reduced to working as an amazon delivery driver and living in a top floor flat on a rough estate?


You're far too kind. I think a stint on unemployment benefit is in order; especially that she's been so nasty to benefit claimants in the past!

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But surely there's a line when we can wish ill on someone, like a graph or something (you can tell I'm an expert on this). Hitler for example you would set on fire, Hopkins perhaps is reduced to working as an amazon delivery driver and living in a top floor flat on a rough estate?


Hopefully her kids won't have to endure that.

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