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Katie Hopkins

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No, the person or people that took the child caused the problem and no amount of vile victim blaming by you or Katie Hopkins will ever change that. :suspect:


If the McCann's had been from a council estate in a rough end of town, there would have been pretty much no sympathy. They left their children, unattended, underage, and something happened. Whether they had involvement with the actual disappearance or not may never be proven, but they definitely contributed to the event.


So, despite what people may think of Hopkins, certainly on this subject, she held the same views as much of the population. Many will agree with her on a number of things she says, whether you or I like it.

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Katy Hopkins was right about Madeleine McCann her.parents caused the problems by traveling her in the hotel room when they went to a pub to tight to pay for baby sitter now that want the public to pay to find her


I don't think Katie Hopkins gave a stuff about Madeline McCann; or any of the people she wrote about. She likes to rant and blame everyone for their predicament, no matter how tragic it is for them: Asylum seekers, victims of crime, people in poverty, people who have different lifestyles and many others. All were collateral damage in Katie's bid to make money out of maligning people. I wouldn't even dignify her role as that of a journalist. To me a journalist investigates; all Katie does is give an unpleasant view of someone, usually someone 'down on their luck'. She's a glorified troll, nothing more.

Anyway, she's fallen foul of the law. Tough luck for her. She's the author of her own misfortune, and given that she's made a name for herself by being nasry to other; I find it hard to have any sympathy for her.

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I agree, she's pretty toxic now.


As I said earlier, she'll make a decent living on crank right wing websites but hopefully we've seen and heard the last of her in the public eye.


Being as dismissive of the right, as you and your cohorts generally are, is endemic of western politics in general right now, hence you have now got Trump, Farage, Brexit, alt right, Katie Hopkins etc and the general rise in right wing sympathy and support across much of Europe, when will you people learn ?

You seem to hate and dislike those on the right, and I use the word hate because a lot of left leaning opinion is filled with as much hate as some of the right is these days.

In my opinion however, the left along with most politicians should learn to be less bigoted themselves and listen to the concerns of the general public who lean to the right, because populist media and opinion will grab their attention and their votes, because they empathise with those same concerns and don't ignore them, and while ever the left want to silence that opinion and be so dismissive, and also to a certain degree be so bloody arrogant, I believe the right will continue to bite you on the backsides !

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