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Same Changing Room For Male/Female at Swimming Baths.

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3 minutes ago, Halibut said:

What are the good reasons for banning mixed sex changing ares with cubicles? (I'll assume you're pro burqa ban then)

I haven't stated mixed sex changing areas with cubicles should be banned. The title of this topic is 'Same Changing Room For Male/Female at Swimming Baths'  which I original stated was unacceptable.  In my opinion there should be separate changing areas available for both male and females for reasons I have already explained.  






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6 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

I haven't stated mixed sex changing areas with cubicles should be banned. The title of this topic is 'Same Changing Room For Male/Female at Swimming Baths'  which I original stated was unacceptable.  In my opinion there should be separate changing areas available for both male and females for reasons I have already explained.  






It really isn’t clear to me why you object to mixed changing  rooms. Could you explain again please 

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10 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

I haven't stated mixed sex changing areas with cubicles should be banned. The title of this topic is 'Same Changing Room For Male/Female at Swimming Baths'  which I original stated was unacceptable.  In my opinion there should be separate changing areas available for both male and females for reasons I have already explained.  






There are - they're called cubicles. Your 'point' is quite literally pointless. 

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24 minutes ago, Lockdoctor said:

In my opinion there should be separate changing areas available for both male and females for reasons I have already explained.  

Do you also believe that the legs of tables and chairs should be covered up to preserve modesty?


It’s one thing wanting to go back to the 1950s with Brexit, but now you seem to want to go back to Victorian times! 😱

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1 hour ago, Lockdoctor said:

Human dignity.


I am not here to spoon feed you. Read this article


Mixed Sex wards endanger and humiliate women



Wow a 2 years old opinion piece from the guardian based upon an academic survey conducted in the USA. 


Concrete stuff that.


Human dignity is created when a nurse/doctor draws a curtain around the bed to perform a routine procedure which may cause embarrassment.  Human dignity is when a doctor or nurse removes someone from a ward to a treatment room or operating theatre to conduct a more invaisive procedure. 


One would assume that the rest of the time in a ward patients are dressed and covered up.    Where exactly is the "indignity" here??



Edited by ECCOnoob
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1 hour ago, Pettytom said:

It really isn’t clear to me why you object to mixed changing  rooms. Could you explain again please 

I haven't stated I object to mixed changing rooms, but I do object to there not being changing rooms/areas available for only male and female swimmers.  It shouldn't really be difficult to understand. On the toilet thread I made a similar point that I have no objection to gender neutral toilets but don't support them replacing toilets just for males and females. 



1 hour ago, ECCOnoob said:

Wow a 2 years old opinion piece from the guardian based upon an academic survey conducted in the USA. 


Concrete stuff that.


Human dignity is created when a nurse/doctor draws a curtain around the bed to perform a routine procedure which may cause embarrassment.  Human dignity is when a doctor or nurse removes someone from a ward to a treatment room or operating theatre to conduct a more invaisive procedure. 


One would assume that the rest of the time in a ward patients are dressed and covered up.    Where exactly is the "indignity" here??



Two years ago isn't long ago and the USA have similar traditional family moral values to our own country.


Your understanding of human dignity is different to mine.  The Government decided to phase out same sex wards because they don't provide the same human dignity for patients as single sex wards.

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5 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:



Do you still think we are so backwards as a society that a man catching the sight of the woman in hospital gown laying in a hospital bed could not control themselves and would be filled with lust.   


Do you think there is some woman laying there recovering from surgery who faints from shock at the sight of a man's bare torso in the bed opposite.  


Grow up.   With the obvious exceptions for areas such as gynaecology or maternity I think it is pretty ridiculous to even suggest such a thing.   It's 2019 not 1950.

Because many women and men find it totally degrading, and if that's how they feel, their views should be respected.

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7 hours ago, Lockdoctor said:

You're missing the main  point that some men and women are uncomfortable about sharing wards with the opposite sex.  Mixed wards are there to make  life easier for the hospital rather than the patients. 


Regarding the original topic the women who prefer women only swimming or gym sessions are not likely to support mixed sex changing areas.  More thought should be given to the people who are uncomfortable with mixed changing areas. It's a backward step to do away with issues of common decency and respect for the opposite sex.

I would be very interested in your reason for believing this to be the case.

6 hours ago, Agent Orange said:

And so it should.  Imagine not being able to be admitted into hospital because the only bed available is on a ward reserved for the opposite sex.  That would be madness.


If someone is uncomfortable with a mixed sex changing area then surely they would simply look for a pool that has segregated changing facilities.  Plenty of them still exist so it's not like they are being denied that choice.

This happens on a regular basis.

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It's a bed in a room while someone receives medical care.  One may argue very little dignity nor comfort for anyone in the middle of a hospital but unfortunately that's the nature of having treatment in a public place at public expense.


This is supposed to be a universal free at source healthcare system for everyone.  Yes there are certain areas where privacy should be maintained but we are talking about hospital wards here.  It is not expected that people are generally walking around nude or doing intimate things in the middle of hospital ward for all to see.


With the exception of those privileged people who have private health care and private rooms there is unfortunately very little that can be done.


It's more than obvious that the NHS has a funding crisis and has extremely limited resources.  To start incurring the the time and expense of segregating out groups of patients just because some people feel a little bit it degraded will cripple the system even more. 

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