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Heeley Wash House


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Anyone here that used to go to Heeley wash house back in the 60s and 70s? Any photos? Id love to see that old place - I remember the warm steaminess when you came in from cold winter days, the mangle and the old wash tubs behind the new automatic machines. I'd spend most of Saturday down there

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In the Fifties my mum had a regular 6am slot which meant that I had to cart a big suitcase full of washing about a mile and half either the previous night or at 5.15 on the day....before doing my paper round and going to school. And then collecting it (on our wooden wheelbarrow) either at 8.30 or teatime that night. There was a big storage bay for old prams/barrows and a storage area for clothes etc. So far as I'm aware nobody ever stole anything.   The atmosphere in the wash-house was amazing. Up to around 30 women toiling hard for two hours at a time under the watchful eye of Albert Poole, the supervisor, who was also distantly related to my mum. 


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